How can I find the contact info for the dish installer who will probably do the HughesNet instillation? I called Hughes and they said Spaceway isn't available, so I want to make sure the installer will be able to install a 9000 series modem before I order this service from Hughes.
Is there a list of local installers that Hughes uses?
I sorta expect, and hope, by end of summer the spaceway system will be availble nationwide.
Is this new SpaceWay service going to be "that" much better than the current HughesNet service? Is this going to be good enough for some to see this as an option even if there is wireless broadband from a wisp available in your area?
I live in northern Illinois. I'm going to call some local satellite TV installers to see if they instal HughesNet and if they have KA band 9000 series modems and what the prices are on larger dish sizes.
You guys are very helpful here. Hughes should hire you for technical support. <smile>
Now their dish design is a completly different story!!
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