well after saying I wasnt going to get it, I sat back and thought about it this whole last week, and I pre ordered it...reason being this I have all mac products and as the poster above me said, its nice to buy things just once...also several groups that I am a part of are setup for iphone access with their programs so instead of lugging the ipad with me it will be nice to just take a iphone...again all macs is seamless integration...while I dont think the iphone is the superior phone it once use to be, it makes sense for me...one other thing, no more lugging a phone and ipod to the gym...while this didnt happen everyday there were some days I would have to take both. I will miss google apps integration and navigation the android offered.
Wow. All I can say is wow. Flabbergasted.
Wow. All I can say is wow. Flabbergasted.
Well, if your new Verizon iphone also has that antenna itch, i mean glitch, you can always put it in one of those iphone condoms. enjoy your new toy! And most of all let us all know how it works on Verizon service.
Not sure what’s so surprising. Most people have looked past the iPhone and have discovered there are much better phones out there, or just simple never bought into the hype to begin with. The iPhone on Verizon Wireless won’t be as big as everyone thinks it will be, mark my words. Sure the Q1 numbers will probably be pretty good but then after the initial surge it will go down hill and fast. Verizon, with as much as I hate them, does have a killer selection of Android powered devices and I don’t think any current subscribers in their right mind would consider downgrading from an Android phone to an iPhone. The iPhone will fade and remain in existence for Apple worshipers and those that use the phone as a fashion accessory and status symbol.
Pretty sleazy on both Apple and Verizons part to release the iPhone 4 when in a few short months this phone will be replaced. But then again this is Verizon and Apple were talking about here, two of the most despicable companies the planet has ever seen, so why not milk consumers out of as much money as possible because you know there will be a handful of Apple Sheeple that will get the iPhone 4 on Verizon in the middle of February just to upgrade to the next generation in June and pay full price.
1 - Subar speeds on 3G. This speedtest of mine was taken a few days before I got rid of the iPhone in a parking lot around the corner from a billboard proclaiming AT&T as ‘Buffalo’s Fastest 3G Network’. Full bar 3G coverage might I add.
2 - The most dropped calls ever. I've had Nextel since 2002. Nextel isn't known for their coverage since there is no other iDEN provider to roam on to in the US other then regional provider SouthernLinc. I have a VZW work issued phone and the Evo on Sprint. In the two years I've had a VZW work phone, not that I use it all that often, but I've had zero dropped calls. In the 7 months I've had the Evo, no dropped calls. In the little over 8 years with Nextel, maybe 2 or 3 dropped calls a year. In the painful 15 months with AT&T and the iPhone, I would drop calls left and right. Most of the time I had full coverage.
3 - Ripoff Pricing. After it was all said and done I was paying not quite $90/month for data, 450 minutes anytime minutes and 200 texts a month. Then I was stupid and instead of paying $10/month extra for GPS I prepaid for $80/year. And unlimited iPhone plan on AT&T would have ran me $160/month. That's what I pay with Sprint, only difference is I have a three phone Sprint account sharing just abput unlimited everything. I rely on GPS daily, sucks AT&T charges $10/month of Telenav when Sprint includes it with every phone for free.
4 - An extension of #2. Not only did I have piss poor coverage around home, but even during travel. At least I had service in areas I frequent, even if it was unreliable and inconsistant, but when I'd travel down in the southern part of NY State I'd have no service, or be stuck on Edge, which is just about useless. About a month after I got the iPhone I took my first big weekend road trip with it. I was disappointed to find out that the toy I just spent $300 on was all but useless. My buddy was also disappointed with his iPhone (now as an Evo too) but my other friend had no problems with his Verizon phone and while not a smartphone, my Nextel phone had service. Pretty disappointing actually as we were within 10 miles or so of I86 at all times which is a major interstate and a major way to get to New York City.
Of Couse I’m biased. I’ve used both the iPhone and Android I know which one is better and have personal experiece with 3 out of the 4 big providers plus Nextel. And I would never seriously consider a Samsung phone as I can’t stand Samsung, and as much as I’m in love with Sony could never buy one of their Android phones due to the UX overlay.
Let me ask you this, what makes the iPhone so great? Why is it the best?
I got a basic flip phone with Verizon and an Iphone with AT&T. I got to have 2 phones just because AT&T's service sucks so bad!
The second Verizon gets the Iphone, im finished with AT&T. I'll gladly pay the cancellation fee to leave.
Might be the biggest hater I have seen..Don't speak for me please. I am giving up my droid for the Iphone..ordered 2 this morning. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. It has not died down for ATT for 4 year years now. Now its suddenly going to die down on VZW? I personally know 5 others today alone that left Droid for the iphone today. Seriously, you have down with Jobs in your avatar..Enough said. BTW I guess this post says where I voted in the poll..
Geezuz man, he said the BEST FOR HIM? Man you really are blinded.
Steve Mehs said:Yes I pride myself on being one of the biggest Apple haters around. I can’t stand that company, what it stands for, the products it pumps out, the guy in charge and most of all the elitist attitude that comes with it when their products are very underwhelming,. I HATE Lord Jobs with the fire of a thousand suns and then some. And again, the iPhone is the biggest piece of junk I’ve ever had the displeasure of owning. I would have been better off taking $300 out of the ATM and heading to the nearest bathroom and flushing it down the toilet. At least then I would have had the aggravation of putting up with the damn thing.
And in a year from now we can revisit this and I’ll be proven right. Outside of the initial 1Q, the iPhone on VZW will have a small impact on anything.
Uh, do me a favor next time and READ the reply you are quoting. I responded with 4 reasons for 'Don't understand the hate for ATT either' line.
rockymtnhigh said:Ok guys, tone it down a notch or two.
Typing this on my galaxy tab, so there..
All of these idiots just don't get it. We are all morons.Lmao.
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