Original poster
I've been wondering about this, particularly since the Superdish is not self-installable (at least for the moment). Is there any reason you can't just use a Dish 500 pointed at 119 and 110, and another antenna pointed at 105, and the appropriate switches? Those of us who are HD subs already have a second dish pointed at one of the wings and switches we could use for that purpose since all the HD content will migrate to 105 anyway sooner or later.
I suspect I'm missing something here. Does the 105 bird throw off a signal of lower power, such that a bigger dish is needed to see it? Would a Dish 500, aimed at the 105 alone, be sufficient to pick it up?
I suspect I'm missing something here. Does the 105 bird throw off a signal of lower power, such that a bigger dish is needed to see it? Would a Dish 500, aimed at the 105 alone, be sufficient to pick it up?