That was one of the things I tried before switching back to glasses. Just couldn't do it, my mind rebelled. My ex wore them for years and loved them.I tested monovision contacts once. Hated it.
That was one of the things I tried before switching back to glasses. Just couldn't do it, my mind rebelled. My ex wore them for years and loved them.I tested monovision contacts once. Hated it.
Basic cheaters are very effective.I am far sighted and need reading glasses -- usually 3.0 strength.
I struggled with the decision over whether to get LASIK for weeks. Finally decided that I was willing to do it.
Then when I got to the optometrist appointment I asked about LASIK and the optometrist immediately responded "You're too old". I was around 61 then and now I'm 65.
In a way I was relieved about not being eligible. I understand that vision changes too quickly for old people and LASIK is not recommended over a certain age.
Fortunately my long distance vision is still good enough not to require glasses. I just use reading glasses for up close.
And oddly enough, I see much better with cheap drug store reading glasses than the prescription ones. That's a good thing because I break or lose them so often it would be REAL expensive if I was dependent on prescription glasses!
That's even worse than my eyes! With one eye I can see just the top line and not even that with the other.Nearsighted here. Been that way since I was in first grade.
Got the "coke bottle" glasses, and went to soft contacts i think around 6th grade. My eyes leveled out in my late teens at a -10.00 prescription, although now, I think they are a step worse. I do have an appointment soon to get rechecked.
Basically cant see crap over about 10 inches from my face without correction. Eye exams typically go, "read the lowest line of the chart."
At one point many years ago, one of my eyes was -11 diopters. As I aged, both eyes have improved greatly and now I'm about -8.Got the "coke bottle" glasses, and went to soft contacts i think around 6th grade. My eyes leveled out in my late teens at a -10.00 prescription,
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