We know that when Dr. Stephen Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) becomes the Sorcerer Supreme in Doctor Strange, he’ll do battle with his arch-nemesis Baron Mordo (played by Chiwetel Ejiofor). However, may fans have suspected that Mordo won’t be the only villain in the 2016 blockbuster, be they human or from other realms. A new report says the movie will include a villain from Strange’s earliest years in the comics, though he may not fight the eponymous protagonist.A new rumor circulating online says that Doctor Strange will kick off in 1968 in Kathmandu, where a group of dark magic "Zealots" have opened a portal to another dimension. According to Latino-Review, the man leading this group is named Kaecilius. Hardcore Doctor Strange fans will recognize him as Mordo’s subordinate from the 1960s stories, but going off this description, it sounds like the MCU will use him in a radically different way.Among the villains from Doctor Strange’s rogues gallery, Kaecilius ranks near the bottom in terms of recognizability. In the early Doctor Strange comics he was officially Mordo’s "disciple," but acted more like a glorified errand boy, delivering messages and serving as a field agent. However, for the movie, Kaecilius will be used to introduce moviegoers to the world of magic and set up what’s to come in the present. He’s not serving the same role as he did in the comics, but he was never that well developed anyway, so Marvel gets a pass for taking creative liberties.