Today start page was back to Default,can't log in,switched to Classic,logged in,styles won't change,I want Default no sticky.Classic otherwise looks and works like it should.I cleared cache and did a disk clean up yesterday and it made no difference.Yay,logged in Default/no sticky,it's different than it was,but at least it works.
Okay now the nav bars keep dropping down every time I scroll up,annoying.
If still having an issue Press and Hold Control while refreshing the page.
Well whatever you looked at may say Default no sticky but at the time you checked I was using Classic and am now.Only thing control/refresh does is open another tab,I don't use tabs,otherwise nothing changes.I just logged into your account and you are set to Default No Sticky.
If still having an issue Press and Hold Control while refreshing the page.
Krell, what resolution are you using? I only see it do that if I make my screen 640x480.
Isn't that standard practice now on most web sites and UI design?Do you have your text size turned up so you can only fit 8 words on the screen?
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