WRONG. SRL & Skyvision will continue to authorize C-Band & 4DTVI just called NPS again to verify.
they told me that motorola will no longer authorize CBand 4DTV , and that is all. we must switch to the 410 to continue rec'ing cband.
true but not the sole right to C-Band. Just the sole right to those G3 channelsg3 will be lost because nps has sole rights to cband programming.
WRONG. SRL & Skyvision will continue to authorize C-Band & 4DTV
true but not the sole right to C-Band. Just the sole right to those G3 channels
I just called NPS again to verify.
they told me that motorola will no longer authorize CBand 4DTV , and that is all. we must switch to the 410 to continue rec'ing cband. g3 will be lost because nps has sole rights to cband programming.
i got that info after asking specific questions, but they did give it to me. the man i spoke with was paul, and unlike lisa, the did end up specifying that it was only 4dtv. this is across the board for all that sell cband programming.
I want to know how you know this, because when i just went to Skyvision's website, they are selling refurbished 410 sets. why would they do that? those sets are older than the 4dtv.
Also, when you say that Skyvision and SRL will continue to authorize cband and 4dtv, do you know whether or not they will continue with the 4dtv after dec 31, 2010?
If I was a network like Fox News for example, I would not be too happy to have a bunch of loyal viewers taken away from me because of a business decision. I would be giving the "exclusive rights" to another company so I could maximize my viewers. Not everyone can afford 50 to 100 bucks a month for TV. I wonder how many of the networks are aware of this crapola NPS is pulling? I am in the disability income arena and will be for the rest of my life. I have no choice in the matter. I also know that I am not alone in this great country of ours. I am on a first name basis with my senator in Indy. Maybe I should give Marlin a ring...... I want my news! End of story.
WRONG. SRL & Skyvision will continue to authorize C-Band & 4DTV
true but not the sole right to C-Band. Just the sole right to those G3 channels
correct. The channels will disappear off G3 as NPS is paying for those to be reuplinkedBut once they let it go wont they loose the rights to those channels?
If so it would be possible for Skyvision/SRL to pick them up, if they do I hope they are not married to W3!
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