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Dropping D* - Finally!

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DobyMax said:
Wow Bilodeaumj, a little touchy are we? I can understand. But if you read these forums, you will even see Voomers degrading Voom. I think this "war" as Voomers like to call it, is a two way street. The Voomers cut down D*, so turn about is far play. Wouldn't you say? Now, about that life you told us to get. Do you have one? I ask because look in the mirror. You're right here reading and posting with everyone else. Oh, I bet you only think the D*'s need a life, right? You're sad. Almost as sad as......Ok, I won't say it. You fill in the blank. :rolleyes:
Do the "Voomers" go out of their way to the D* forum and troll like you?
wasch_24 said:
Do the "Voomers" go out of their way to the D* forum and troll like you?

This is just getting childish. "You stay on one end and dont come near my end" Cant we all just get along?

I wish Peace love and happiness for everbody including Voomers (AKA next year D* or E* subscribers) :D Sorry.... I couldnt resist.
zubinh said:
This is just getting childish. "You stay on one end and dont come near my end" Cant we all just get along?

I wish Peace love and happiness for everbody including Voomers (AKA next year D* or E* subscribers) :D Sorry.... I couldnt resist.
Who ever picks up the exclusives and the satellite space... :D
wasch_24 said:
Do the "Voomers" go out of their way to the D* forum and troll like you?

This is just getting childish. "You stay on one end and dont come near my end" Cant we all just get along?

I wish Peace love and happiness for everbody including Voomers (AKA next year D* or E* subscribers) :D Sorry.... I couldnt resist.
Walter L. said:
It's funny when people do statements like this. Assuming that VOOM "sinks" why would somebody's life will be be ruined for staying with VOOM until the last day. Most of us (VOOM subs) rent the equipment anyway; so all it would take will be a phone call to the cable company or another satellite provider.

Truer words were never spoken......

anyone who wants to leave VOOM should just go and enjoy their HD Lite over at D*Tv...If you stay, try and contribute positve, constructive criticism, since we ALL know that VOOM monitors this forum, and reacts to it when it makes sense to do it..If you hate it so much, then just cancel, and move on with life...

Jeez, what a bunch of whiners.....
Man I LOVE these V* sucks, D* sucks, E* sucks threads.

Didn't we all decide (as a collective) like 5 time in the last 5 months that the only way to get what we all want is to have 3 providers?

Anyway, Voom SUCKS, as does D*, E* & C* ... it just depends on whom you are willing to take the most crap from.

My best HDTV comes from OTA from NBC ... so NBC rocks!
DobyMax said:
The Voomers cut down D*, so turn about is far play. Wouldn't you say? QUOTE]

You don't have VOOM right? You're a TROLL - Period. Voomers on a voom dedicated website can give whatever advice we want. You can't contribute any proper VOOM advice as you don't have the service. Again, begone TROLL and take all your nonsense with you...

P.S. I agree in part with you slacker. Monday night football PQ blew away the ESPN PQ (I actually saw the "snow" everyone was talking about and I only have a 36")
I had D*'s hd package once and I wont call it hd-lite, I call it hd-nothing! So you got hbo and sho in hd, yawnnn. And all hdnet had on was stupid unknown sports talk shows, or reruns of the swim suit contest in Hawaii. Oh, and Discovery hd, maybe the most watch able channel. That's it! Then they let you buy a $1000 dvr to record that crap they offer.
I had that, I have voom, voom is so superior, even without a pvr, far far superior.
Shoot, I didn't even know max or starz or encore had HD channels until I got voom.
If you have hd sets, you need voom. That's the whole issue, that vooms popularity is equal to hd tv's popularity, or should be. The more people get into hd, the more they will appreciate voom's offerings. Simple!
I'm more concerned with hd tv sets catching on, the rest will come naturally. Many I know could afford to get a nice $1000 - $1500 hdtv set, but they want one of those newer $7000 lcd/plasma sets, which they can't afford. So they stay with their old 27" standard set. Nothings wrong with a nice $1000 projection hd set. It looks great and does hd (and voom). If more would just get into hd with a lesser set than those $7000 plasma's, hd in itself would take off and voom would be the leader in hd programming. This will all come eventually, but much too slowly, sadly.
randym431 said:
voom would be the leader in hd programming. This will all come eventually.

Randy, Please drugs are not the answer to your problems.

Put whatever you're smokin down and go watch Frankenstein from 1902 on Voom Monsters.

The Directv Lovin Troll :p
DobyMax said:
Ohhhh. I'm offended. :D

No need to be offended and none taken. I just wanted to make sure that everyone took your "input" for what it really is. You're a little troll and your comments are not beneficial nor add any value. Last I'll write to you about this. At least ZubinH a quoted "The Directv Lovin Troll" admits what she is. You girls go ahead back to your blurry watching 4 "HD" expensive channels and leave this forum for those that want honest exchanges regarding the leader in HD. Ciao baby... :D
zubinh said:
Randy, Please drugs are not the answer to your problems.

It is when you won't shut your trap. I think you love D* so much your brain bitrate is overcompressed. If V* isn't the HD leader with more HD channel options than ANY other provider currently .. then who is?

D*? The 3 HD per transponder down resolution, kick you in the jaw, don't care what you think about HD D*? No D will be the undisputed leader in LiLs, hope people are dying to pay for what they can get free with an antenna.

E*? Maybe, last I heard E* execs where trying to surf a pipe and pick up 50 year old babes on the SuperDish.

V*? Has some problems, still the most HD, changing the Cinema10 lineup, probably will be the first to improve it's codecs, and they listen to their subs? Come on zubinh, the choice hasn't been this clear for you since you bought your bifocals at Kmart for 5 coupons and a couple of George Washingtons.
Dvlos said:
Come on zubinh, the choice hasn't been this clear for you since you bought your bifocals at Kmart for 5 coupons and a couple of George Washingtons.

DVLOS, You give Zubinh too much credit. Obviously zubinh isn't old enough to be shopping at k-mart by his/her self since that takes thought and there seems to be no ability for self thought with this mindless D-drone troll. :eek:

Hey, I'm only playing hard ball because it would be nice to have our forum back and have these pesky trolls go away - oh well,what can one do... BTW, thanks randym431 for letting me get off topic on you thread. I'm with you and lots others on this forum. BTW(2) AM I the only one glad to be watchin scare tactics again???
as long as dishnet/directv don't add lots of hd channels to their system which it looks like they don't care to or won't at this time til they think voom is a threat to them voom still has room to succeed and this is the system i will be getting.
I'm (still) convinced people like ZubinH don't even own a hd tv set. Nor do any of the other "trolls". Maybe we could start a fund raiser, "HDtv sets for the trolls". And give them a free month of voom. You can't appreciate electricity if you don't own a lamp.
Just like there are Voom insiders that post here occasionally, I think these are D* sales people that hop on here and trash Voom. They have absolutely no insight into the programming, just bounce around re-quoting and SEC filing and that D*'s HD-lite is superior to full bandwidth full quality HD. In other words, damage control.
OOOOOOOOOOO. This thread is getting nasty!!.

So far I've been called a mindless troll, a female, too cheap to shop at Kmart.......

But for some reason I just cant stop the trash talk so here goes:

1. Cant understand why why guys are so vehement in defending a service that wont be here a year from now. Dont you realize that pretty soon you wont have a choice but to call D* E* or cable??

2. Voom Leader in HD?? Hardly. With 28,000 braindead subscribers (who are becoming smarter everyday by dropping it) they're the leader in nothing. Eleven million HD sets have been sold; Voom has 28,000 of them and you call them a leader??????

3. The marketplace taught Voom a very expensive lesson: It is quality NOT quantity that matters.

Now keep the cheap shots comin.................... :)
zubinh said:
OOOOOOOOOOO. This thread is getting nasty!!.

So far I've been called a mindless troll, a female, too cheap to shop at Kmart.......

But for some reason I just cant stop the trash talk so here goes:

1. Cant understand why why guys are so vehement in defending a service that wont be here a year from now. Dont you realize that pretty soon you wont have a choice but to call D* E* or cable??

2. Voom Leader in HD?? Hardly. With 28,000 braindead subscribers (who are becoming smarter everyday by dropping it) they're the leader in nothing. Eleven million HD sets have been sold; Voom has 28,000 of them and you call them a leader??????

3. The marketplace taught Voom a very expensive lesson: It is quality NOT quantity that matters.

Now keep the cheap shots comin.................... :)
1. The service is here now and no one is foced to make any kind of monetary investment so why not enjoy it while it lasts.

2. 39 HD channels...'nuff said.

3. That's why they have both.

Our patience is growing thin with your admitted trolling...soon you will become censored.
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