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DTV horrible company/moron report update (final chapter) | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

DTV horrible company/moron report update (final chapter)

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I never get mad or take my anger out at the guy who comes to my house, I might roll my eyes, but they are usually rolling their eyes right along with me in agreement at the crap they get from DTV as well, which is why all the blasts I get from some of the customers of DTV who must be fat ass couch potatoes who can't live without one provider or are actually employees, who knows which, are hilarious. Tech o7 is right, but that's why cable will do better in spite of having an inferior product as they mostly, not always, have employees and don;t have to deal with complications on most jobs, usually it's just a switch. If dtv just went back to their old model of selling equipment and we don't to jack of installing there would be no expectation by the customer of anything else, that's the problem.
Jimbos said:
Man , you sound like you have my job, almost exactly to the word.
I am as you are the person the sub sees and have to deal with the problem of the subnot having service and waiting on hold forever, so thier pissed and I have to deal with thier anger at the whole company.... seeing I an the one to actually go to thier house I get the greif.
btw, I do telephone repair...
I know exactly what your saying ...
However, most subs are somewhat happy to see me, because thier phone will work again when I leave... So if they are upset whenI get there they are usually fine when I leave....normally anyways.. you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try...


Oh yeah they happy to see me on service calls. They spent hours on the phone with tech dept got tired and frustrated and when they see live person a specialist they are very happy and relieved. Besides I always fix the problem.

When they arent happy is at installs for new customers. Customer reps are so friendly and nice talking about kids and dogs and how bad Dish and Cable suck. They become real buddies. Until. Customer finds out that idiot at call center completely screwed up simplest order. Now we have to reorder go through more pain and suffering and remember clock is ticking days pass by and customer is not getting his service. Very mad. And here comes lil ole me who is late and wants to drill new holes instead of using crappy existing cable lines. I am bad guilty and most importantly I am within an arms reach...........
...........If dtv just went back to their old model of selling equipment ...........

Yeah with old good basic receivers and basic dishes. Probably was possible. These days when any old lady can order and get her TV set up in a matter of hours....nah I dont think so. She ll never be able to get on the roof and mount the dish. But she will pay 50 and up bucks a month for the service. Then we have HD tv, DVRS, HD DVRS and AT9 dishes....
That's my point, they want it both ways, they want to be an installer without providing the service, cable does it, dtv does not. They went on the "cheap" for whateever reason. They screw the installers with whatever system they set up which in turn screws the customer like which in turn will only screw DTV in the long run, not the short run, and that is about to be soon IMO due to the rising number of people I run into with serious problems who are cancelling. remember, for everyone of me, and there have been others on here, angry enough to write about this, how many others also exist. I really love their product, it is the best IMO by far. Not once on here posting have I said anything but. I don't lame the guy that shows up at my door who is not either trained to do it right (I think he is) or compensated fairly to do it (which is what I suspect based on what they have told me), whatever it is it is screwed up. based on my expereince in corporate America I recognize corporate speak when I hear it and that's what I hear when I call DTV. Anyone who moves you from call center to call center and wont give you their last names and won't answer questions and is depserate for you to enter into long term service agreements for 100 bucks of free stuff is a company that is shady, in trouble or something is wrong, count on it. And I don;t mean the installer. In this case I don;t think it's the product, I think it's their service/delivery system consting them a ton of buss. and goodwill and instead of fixing it they are just compounding the problem, it's common with large entities like the gov't. and bigger corporations.
geaux1 said:
idiots were supposed to come out today after all my problems with the install they swore up and down to resolve and "get on my roof" to install my dish and never showed up, go figure, just as I told my wife would happen. Fools. Now I can't wait till I call to cancel after I get cable or Dish to come out (which I will wait about amonth to rack up a bill after all the credits they gave me ruin out in case they refuse to prorate my Sunday ticket I can just refuse to pay my balance) and they try to tell me I owe them for the 18 or whatever month commitment I agreed to 2 months age when they put the wrong dish "on my roof" and want me to mail them back this HR10, LOL, that will be a hilarious conversation, especially when they realize no one ever bothered to get me to actually sign their stupid contract with that retarded arbirtration clause so I will be able to sue their ass in Shelby County if they report me to some credit agency and they won;t be able to enforce that thing on me. I'm not even bothering to call and complain.

I guess my question is: why did you sign off on the install 2 months ago if it wasn't right? If they tried to install the 'wrong dish' on my roof, I wouldn't have signed off on the work order.
If you didn't sign off on the original work order-which I think you would've had to, just ignore my post.
I didn't know any better, I asked the guy if that was the right dish, the 3 lnb, to get my locals, he said it was but they weren't avialable yet, and to get my RSN's, he said he was not sure. Called DTV, they said "absolutely"!!!!!!!! Then 6 weeks later (2 weeks ago) they said "oh no, I don;t know who told you that, we are so sorry YOU misunderstood!!!!!". Then said, well, we just did not put the 5 lnb on there because that was our policy at the time not to do it until and unles you had locals available evn though we knew they were coming online in (at that time they thought 4 weeks) a few weeks as that is what they told me when they put on my roof. Idiots. So I signed off after asking the lady on the phone 5 times and her supervisor.
tech007 said:
Here is the thing with lack of coordination on part of Directv. Company is huge and its a service company not a production company where you can set distribution channels and controls production process from top down. In service company that has 15 million customers its kinda hard. You have thousands of techs and thousands of csrs. Dozens or even hundreeds call centers. Low paid employees. Key word is competition. You wanna keep your costs down to let you customers pay less for your service. How do you keep costs down? Pay as low as possible to 10 thousand csrs. A lot of people. You cant hire tech vizards who will agree to get 8 bucks an hour. You hire simple folks from welfare programs. They cant be trained if they havent learnd a dam thing through their entire lives. They cant spill. Cant read rite and taip. Hey you gotta see some of the note of work orders we get. Its hilarious.
And by the way we techs cuss and bitch about CSR's as much as you customers do. They cant put together a simple work order. Then customer directs all his anger towards me. Because I cant just hang up the phone. I have to spend next 3 hours at his house.........

man if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black, you really should use spell check if you are going to criticize spelling and grammar
Confusion with 3 lnb and 5 lnb dishes is a common place. We used to install 5lnb for H20 receivers while still installing 3lnb for HR10-250 HD DVRs. So we would put cheap outdated dish for a customer paying 500 bucks for HDDVR and new expensive up to date dish for H20 that DTV gives away for free. Didnt make any sense.
Talking about coordination problem for a big corporation you have to remember that in our case we are dealing with human factor not machines and production lines. Its very hard to standartize human work. Training just doesnt do the trick. There is also job satisfaction positive and negative reinforcement and other psychological methods. Unfortunately people are not robots you cant make them all do the same you probably know that each CSR is different you probably can determine that oftentimes first second just hearing the voice and accent and attitude. Same thing with techs. No matter how much you train and control there always good and bad techs. Sometimes even a good tech can be rude and lazy simply because he couldnt get sex last night. And that sucks.
Hey tech, man I learned a whole lot when a pissed off a sub of a primary sub of DTV showed at my house after I had ;eft when he was 2 houirs late, see my posty on another thread, and he filled me in, and I told rentention what he had told me when I called to cancel after I had made the appointemnt whith Comcast and that sub of contractor of DTV may have just saved their ass, and we will see on Friady and if true I will be contacting Denver and telling them if they have half a brain they will dump their prime contractor with thos meth addicts in AtoKA called Direct Tech in TN that services Memphis and dump them and renogotiate and have their new prime conmtractor be Mega Tech because they actually give a crap and helped me and coached me and cared and did a good job and were competent and want to help the customer. I will be contecting Denver, trust me, every way I can, by phone, e-mail, and US mai; and retention IF this install is succesfull tommorow.
Like I said, don't read it, that's what message boards are for, consumers passing information and which take the form of a few topics, products and complaints and sometimes compliments (it's just the natrue of things that those seldom get posted). If you are related to a sat. company, fine. I understand your feelings. Otherwise, I dont get why on earth anyone would take offense at a consumer being pissed at this kind of service.
geaux1 said:
Like I said, don't read it, that's what message boards are for, consumers passing information and which take the form of a few topics, products and complaints and sometimes compliments (it's just the natrue of things that those seldom get posted). If you are related to a sat. company, fine. I understand your feelings. Otherwise, I dont get why on earth anyone would take offense at a consumer being pissed at this kind of service.

Ok enough is enough now I am sorry about your poor service experience and I guess if it happened to me I would be upset also but you have made your point so just make your switch to comcrap and end it.
Not only that your posts are getting hard to understand!!!

Now on the other hand there is no way a support person or tech should not know everything about there products D* needs to get a handle on this they need more training or at least they should be furnished a flow chart as to what reciever and dish go together and the mpeg-4 updates and where they are available.
But then again HD customers are just a small percentage of D*'s subscribers and it can be confussing it can only get better.;)
geaux1 said:
Otherwise, I dont get why on earth anyone would take offense at a consumer being pissed at this kind of service.

Because your rants are incoherent & frankly are not informative due to the fact they lack clarity. We all get the installers you have had show up at your place sucked. Coming on here and typing run on sentences with spelling errors, etc. makes it hard for the other consumers you are trying to inform to grasp and undertstand your message/problem.
tech007 said:
Leave DTV? Noooo. He wont. Cuz nobody else will tolerate a customer like this. You know what Dish says to guys like that? -"GO F.... YOURSELF! We DONT CARE if you go to other company." Customers like that you dont wanna keep, you want to give them to your enemy.

Actually Dish support just tells you to "please be on the line" :D
geaux1 said:
compensated fairly to do it (which is what I suspect based on what they have told me)

Apparently the ones you have talked to are lazy. DTV installers get paid per installation they accomplish, plus they get paid on how many units are installed at that installation. In a typical 4-box installation they should get around $100 for that one job. Any installer should be able to pull at least $600/week easy. When they get done with their routed jobs, they call in and get more to do. Unless they are lazy of course, then they get nothing more. They get compensated quite well, if they work.
Incoherent! Do you ramble on like that in court?

no, I am just trying to dumb it down for simpletons like you, so you can keep up, get it?
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Installing a HR20 with DVD recorder?

Directv Idiots strike again, do yourself a favor

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