Start taking time off. When you think you have as much payroll money as you can get quit. Try not to leave much of your money in their hands. Keep records of money owed and go immediately to your state wage and hour board. Let the HSP explain to the government about the phone thing.Does anyone know how to "beat the system" when it comes to hooking up the receiver to a land line from a tech's point of view. Those charge backs are starting to hurt.
I know this doesn't help but I think it really sucks that DIRECTV charges the installer because a homeowner doesn't have a landline phone.
Is the installer actually "charged" money or does "chargeback" mean the installer gets some kind of bad comment written up about the install job or something like that ?
There should be something on the DIRECTV contract that says something like -
The customer hereby states they do not have a landline phone in their home and this is not the installers fault. and the customer signs and dates right next to the statement. The customer not having a landline phone has nothing to do with the installer.
Limited time offer