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Dumb Question re HD Locals

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida
From what I can gather, Orlando HD Locals are supposed to go live this month. My question is how do I tell when they do? I currently am running an OTA antenna for HD locals that use the 2.1, 6.1, etc. channels. Do the D* supplied HD locals use the same numbers? I want to take down my antennas for one of my TVs when they do go live.

Anyway, if anyone can educate me, thanks.
Gator5000e said:
From what I can gather, Orlando HD Locals are supposed to go live this month. My question is how do I tell when they do? I currently am running an OTA antenna for HD locals that use the 2.1, 6.1, etc. channels. Do the D* supplied HD locals use the same numbers? I want to take down my antennas for one of my TVs when they do go live.

Anyway, if anyone can educate me, thanks.

Yes, the channel numbers will be identical to what you are seeing OTA only they will originate through you STB:D :D;) :D
Assuming you have an H-20 and an AT-9 in place the stations will show up as 2 , 6, with their call lettes next to them on your guide. Don't be so quick to deep six the OTA antenna. You may not like what you see. Also you will need the antenna for other locals which D will not have.
Gator5000e said:
From what I can gather, Orlando HD Locals are supposed to go live this month. My question is how do I tell when they do? I currently am running an OTA antenna for HD locals that use the 2.1, 6.1, etc. channels. Do the D* supplied HD locals use the same numbers? I want to take down my antennas for one of my TVs when they do go live.

Anyway, if anyone can educate me, thanks.

I wouldn't take it down to fast. They are only going to give you 4 locals. Don't know about you, but I get around 29 Orlando area channels in HD or digital now, using my OTA antenna.
Thanks guys. I will probably keep it up for a while although I don't watch the non-major channels much. I was just wondering if the D* locals would override the OTA channels on the guide. Thanks again!
Gator5000e said:
Thanks guys. I will probably keep it up for a while although I don't watch the non-major channels much. I was just wondering if the D* locals would override the OTA channels on the guide. Thanks again!

No they show as a separate entry on the menu. Nothing overrides another. I have many entires for my Orlando stations. For Channel 2 I currently have 4 entries:
2 - (Analog) From D*
2- (Analog) From my OTA
2-1 HD Digital (Main Channel) from my OTA
2-2 HD Digital (NBC Weather Plus) from my OTA

I think that when D* adds the locals in HD, they will show as another entry as 2-1. From what I understand you will not get 2-2 (NBC Weather Plus) from D*, only the main channel of 2-1.

When D* lights up their Orlando HD signal, from what I understand, you will only get 2-1, 6-1, 9-1 and 35-1. Leaving another 25 or so digitals or HD channels that you can only receive via a OTA.
lou_do is right. Leave your antenna up to make sure your happy with D*'s version of HD locals. I'm in Atlanta and have not been happy with them. I'm getting an antenna put in my attic next week for OTA.
Hey the channels for D* HD show up as 2, 6, etc. Not 2-1. Thats still OTA. You have to look in the upper right hand banner and look for DD that means its D* HD channel for locals. I know I have D* HD locals.
robbiee19 said:
Hey the channels for D* HD show up as 2, 6, etc. Not 2-1. Thats still OTA. You have to look in the upper right hand banner and look for DD that means its D* HD channel for locals. I know I have D* HD locals.


The 2, 6, should be analog signals, it will have a .1 or a -1 that will designate the HD/Digital channel.
Thay have to distinguish between analog and digital, generally it's by using the -. That being said, I didn't know the H-20 had a analog tuner .....
Correction, Rockaway1836 already mentioned the lack of analog tuner

If you have a DD, doesn't that mean the program is in Dolby Digital ?

I don't have the 20, but I would think it would work the same as the 10 except for the MPEG4 stuff.

Jimbo, maybe I can help clear up the confusion a bit with an example. Here in NY, while using an H-20 the channels show up on the guide as follows.
2 WCBS (mpeg4)
2 NY (SD)
2-1 (digital ota)
4 WNBC (mpeg4)
4 NY (SD)
4-1 (digital ota)
4-2 (digital ota)
4-4 (digital ota) and so on
When you see the full call letters after the station number you are watching (or in some cases trying to watch) the MPEG4 channels.
rockaway gives a good example. When I first got the upgrade the installer and I had trouble knowing which channels were the D* HD. Had to wait for a HD progeam to come on. OTA still shows up as 2-1, 6-1 etc. One differences for rockaway and me. I don't get the full station number to tell the difference between MPEG4 ch and the D* analog, had to figure it out on my own. So please don't tell me how it should be. I have it and see it live so maybe just maybe I know what I am talking about for my system. DD is for the dobly yes I know that, but D* analog doesn't send dobly that's why it tells you it D* HD.
rockaway1836 said:
Jimbo, maybe I can help clear up the confusion a bit with an example. Here in NY, while using an H-20 the channels show up on the guide as follows.
2 WCBS (mpeg4)
2 NY (SD)
2-1 (digital ota)
4 WNBC (mpeg4)
4 NY (SD)
4-1 (digital ota)
4-2 (digital ota)
4-4 (digital ota) and so on
When you see the full call letters after the station number you are watching (or in some cases trying to watch) the MPEG4 channels.

Thanks Rockaway,

That clears up that, seems there are alot more options with the H-20 (which IS the MPEG4, I said would be different)

robbiee19 said:
rockaway gives a good example. When I first got the upgrade the installer and I had trouble knowing which channels were the D* HD. Had to wait for a HD progeam to come on. OTA still shows up as 2-1, 6-1 etc. One differences for rockaway and me. I don't get the full station number to tell the difference between MPEG4 ch and the D* analog, had to figure it out on my own. So please don't tell me how it should be. I have it and see it live so maybe just maybe I know what I am talking about for my system. DD is for the dobly yes I know that, but D* analog doesn't send dobly that's why it tells you it D* HD.

So sorry I tried to help you Robbie.

So please don't tell me how it should be. I have it and see it live so maybe just maybe I know what I am talking about for my system

I didn't realize you had it all figured out ........

If you knew all this from the very beginning .....
had to figure it out on my own.

Why did you ask ?
Well first I didn't ask! I did not start the post! Gave what I know from using the H20 to the person asking the question. So, we can get into a pissing contest or not. I respect your opion from other posts I have seen from you before, but maybe you were just a little off on this one. Also, I get tried of other posters (not you) who think their opinion is the law, but more times than not they don't have all the facts. I am a fellow Buckeye like you (class 1984) too. So, I think we can end this here and help the other poster with his question.
Jimbos said:

The 2, 6, should be analog signals, it will have a .1 or a -1 that will designate the HD/Digital channel.
Thay have to distinguish between analog and digital, generally it's by using the -. That being said, I didn't know the H-20 had a analog tuner .....
Correction, Rockaway1836 already mentioned the lack of analog tuner

If you have a DD, doesn't that mean the program is in Dolby Digital ?

I don't have the 20, but I would think it would work the same as the 10 except for the MPEG4 stuff.


The H20 doesn't have an analog tuner in it.
OG! Can we just estalblish one more fact here? Anything and everything that you receive from D is digital. The difference in your locals OTA is standard def ( analog )or digital. Some of your digital locals are HI-DEF and others are not. Same holds true with D. If your wathching D, it is digital. When using an H-20,all you will recieve is a digital signal. I also have an H-10, it's been a while since I have connected to OTA. To tell the truth I dont remember the way it displays OTA on the guide. However. I think it is the same. ( Minus MPEG4 channels)
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