What is D* and what is E*. Since both direct tv anbd dish start with the letter D, I am now suddenly confused. Plus, i didn't know there was a satelitte service with the letter E, I thought it was just dish network and direct tv.
E* makes some sense, but how they come up with D*
It's unfortunate that the abbreviations (used top make things more efficient) both begin with the same letter...wait there's an e because thats the parent company. now I'm more confused! Is "dish" really that much harder to write that "d-shift-asterick"?
Not to muddy the waters (well maybe a little bit) what abbreviation will we use for Dish if and when it is spun off from Echostar?
Not to muddy the waters (well maybe a little bit) what abbreviation will we use for Dish if and when it is spun off from Echostar?
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