Got a call from DN today wanting to know what birds I was on (110/119/129) and they want to put me on 72 and 77 - - will be sending a tech out tomorrow. The CSR mentioned using one dish. I enquired about 61.5 and he advised they will not be using that bird.
I guess that's why they are replacing it. 
He also advised the 72/77 solution was because I am east of the Mississippi. However our locals come from across the river from STL. Anyone know if STL locals are staying on the EA as currently they are on both 129 and 61.5?? I am soon to have a LOS issue with 129 so I am hoping they stay on 61.5. Also, am I ASSuming correctly that this will be done for free? If not I'll be doing it myself. Anyone got the straight poop on these issues? Thanks!!