What does the term "Echostar 14" mean?
I understand 119 & TPs.
Is "Echostar 14" part of Sat 119?
119 is a longitude, it is a position in the sky.
More than one satellite can be located at 119, there are currently at least three (at least one is DirecTV's).
There are at least three at 110 (at least one is DirecTV's), and currently two at 61.5, one at 129, two at 77, and IIRC, two at 72.7, not to mention one at 118.7...
This is pretty cool if you want to visualize what is up there and where.
Whenever I see these charts. I'm amused looks a lot like a roulette wheel with a missing chunk. The missing part of course is the Pac Ocean since there is almost no one in that area. Just waxing here a bit I wonder if this makes the earth wobble just a little bit?
This is poor physics. The Earth's center of gravity will change but the effective diameter will remain unchanged as the oceans will shift to even things out.
pps: I think it bad form to refer to a slot as "The 119W" (akin to Californians calling Interstate 5 "The Five") as there are multiple satellites there.
At least "Angels" infers plural.- similar to the way it is called "The City of the Angels", even though many people can live there.
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