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Ecoda 22khz Switch Failure ? | SatelliteGuys.US

Ecoda 22khz Switch Failure ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 12, 2012
Cape Cod - MA.
Hi All,

After having flawless Ku reception, suddenly today I have none.
C band works fine.
I'm thinking my Ecoda 22khz switch failed.
If so, can I replace it with a Diseqc switch since I don't have a spare 22khz switch ?
Thanks in advance,

If you are using standard ku LNB's and not universal, get a self powered 4x8 switch. The work great and are reliable. That may be bad info if you are running single feeds, but with dual C and Ku, it is the best setup, including running 8 receivers.
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Thanks for your reply.
Since my 22khz switch is inside, hidden above a drop ceiling, it would be easier for me not to run power up that way for a self powered 4x8 switch, despite the advantage of a 4X8 switch.
I've actually had good luck with this 22khz switch which lasted over 15 years.
Thanks again.


I decided to order several (for backups) 22khz switches from Hyper and will "settle" for C band until they arrive.
Thanks for your reply and stay well.

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Hi All, Geosat 22khz switch arrived today and after installing it, I still have the same problem...great C band, no Ku.
When I tried to scan with the previous (faulty ?) Encoda switch, my scans resulted in me getting both C and Ku transponders on the Ku band. Now when I scan with the Geosat, I get no signal at all and the stb displays, "no transponders could be found at these parameters."
I'm wondering if there is an issue with the coax out at the dish. This change to no Ku signal happened so quickly last week. One minute it was working the next it wasn't.
I haven't changed any stb settings, C band is still on the 0hz and Ku is on the 22khz, where they previously worked great.
Any thoughts ??
Thanks in advance.

Easy to check, swap cables between your C-band lnbf, and the ku lnbf. See if you now have KU band, and no C-band.

P.S. You didn't connect that switch with the power ON, did you? Because that's very likely to instantly blow any 22Khz switch.
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I unplugged my stb before attaching as I've always done while doing any LNBF work.
Should I have unplugged my ASC 1 also ? It was turned off at the time.
Will have to wait for better weather to try the cable swap as we have a Nor'easter moving in tonight with 55-60 mph winds and heavy rain.
Thanks for your suggestion.

Yes, unplug the ASC1 also, if you are routing your coax through it. For what it's worth, years ago I ordered 10 - 22khz switches. About 1/2 of them were bad right out of the box. Geosat's should be good ones though.
Hi Brian,

Thanks for your response.
I connected my satellite meter to the Ku coax inside the house and got no signal.
Running the meter out at the dish with a different coax to the Ku LNBF, all is good.
Thinking maybe I got some water/moisture intrusion at an outside coax connection as the signal loss was so sudden.
Hoping that when the weather clears I can cut back maybe 6 inches of that defective coax and reattach a connector. Then if that solves the problem, add a better waterproofing to that connector.

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Thanks for that suggestion.
I'll look into that tape wrap as soon as I'm able to get out to my dish and start the "repair process" There is a Nor'easter spinning off the coast here today with occasionally heavy rains and winds to 60 mph. Not a good day to be out at the dish. ;)
I hope this fix does the trick as I'm not looking forward to replacing the entire run of Ku cable.
Stay well.

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Hi all,

Good news.
Was able to get outside this afternoon after the weather cleared and make repairs to the coax. I cut about 6 inches off the end and attached a new coax connection. Now the signal is back where it should be, for example...12.1db on the
NBC mux on 103 Ku. I'm sure I can tweak it even more when time allows. Will now look into the sealing tape that Mike suggested.
It's nice when your system is operating as it should, especially when stay at home is required.
Stay well everyone.

Hi all,

Good news.
Was able to get outside this afternoon after the weather cleared and make repairs to the coax. I cut about 6 inches off the end and attached a new coax connection. Now the signal is back where it should be, for example...12.1db on the
NBC mux on 103 Ku. I'm sure I can tweak it even more when time allows. Will now look into the sealing tape that Mike suggested.
It's nice when your system is operating as it should, especially when stay at home is required.
Stay well everyone.

Glad to hear you got the problem solved! :)
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That tape is also called self-amalgamating tape, if I'm not mistaken.
So you can look for that term on the internet shopping pages, as well.

BTW I always take care, that my cables at the dish first go UP for a short distance, before going to the ground.
That way I hope a rain water invasion at the F-plug can never get far in the cable (but beware of the extra capillary effects!).

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