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Edision Edison Mio Has No Signal

Long Hair,

I just scanned 97w kU and the transponders are "stacked" with each transponder having both a H and V frequency and the numbers don't coincide with what should be on there.

Long Hair,

I just scanned 97w kU and the transponders are "stacked" with each transponder having both a H and V frequency and the numbers don't coincide with what should be on there.

that's not good. I see you have a ASC-1, I believe there is a setting that will let you set the voltage out for the lnb. Just like the Receiver, You might check that as well. I don't have one, so I could be speaking out my butt.
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Long Hair,

I just scanned 97w kU and the transponders are "stacked" with each transponder having both a H and V frequency and the numbers don't coincide with what should be on there.

Have you tried starting up in a different slot as of yet, to see if that image is still ok? Sounds like the one you are in got corrupted somehow. Just go into the menus, and boot into another slot. IF you have another one with a flashed image that is.
I guess I should have ask if you tried unplugging it for a few minutes, and than seeing if it starts working again? If that's a no go, than try what primestar31 suggested
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Mike and Long Hair,

I noticed, before changing images (have to check if I have any others) I scanned 97w kU again and I got the transponders for 105w in a "stacked" configuration.
What the hell…

try restarting everything - receiver and ASC-1. I've had problems with the ASc-1 not recognizing the receiver voltage switch and getting stuck on one polarity. A restart clears that. Another thing to try is connecting the reciver to the LNBF without the ASC-1, without the 22k switch. Going back to basics since the question right now is whether the receiver can properly drive a voltage-controlled LNBF.
Of course booting another image is also a good idea
Just do only one change at a time.
Good luck!
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Long Hair,

I checked the dish earlier today and it hadn't moved at all.
I'm going to change out the 22khz switch tomorrow and see if that might be the issue.
Expecting 55 - 65 mph winds and heavy rain late tonight into tomorrow afternoon. So any further outside checks will have to wait, but I'm pretty sure this is an inside job. Im going to now move the dish into its protective position.
Will revisit this tomorrow.
Thanks guys for all your suggestions.

Hi all,

I hooked up my Edision Mio directly from my 22khz switch, bypassing my ASC1.
I then scanned 105w and was able to get H and V transponders…yea !!!
However I'm not getting any kU signals. The 65-70 mph winds we had here yesterday probably knocked the dish off peak. Will repeak it tomorrow.
So does this mean my ASC 1 is no longer able to send the proper voltage?

Hi all,

I hooked up my Edision Mio directly from my 22khz switch, bypassing my ASC1.
I then scanned 105w and was able to get H and V transponders…yea !!!
However I'm not getting any kU signals. The 65-70 mph winds we had here yesterday probably knocked the dish off peak. Will repeak it tomorrow.
So does this mean my ASC 1 is no longer able to send the proper voltage?

Again, I believe The ASC1 has a way to control the voltage output on the Coax, If it is set to a fixed voltage say 13volts than you would not be able to receive the Horizontals. I assume you unplugged the ASC1 for a min or so?
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That's true. The ASC-1 does the actual polarity voltage switching. Look in its menu for LNB Type.
I've found that some images don't play nice with 22 kHz switches and DISEqC switches in combination.
Matter of fact I never had good luck with 22 kHz switches in combination with the ASC-1.
If its the dish mover being the reason or not, I just don't use them. 100% DISEqC switch here. They always work.
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Again, I believe The ASC1 has a way to control the voltage output on the Coax, If it is set to a fixed voltage say 13volts than you would not be able to receive the Horizontals. I assume you unplugged the ASC1 for a min or so?
Long Hair,

When doing any kind of work regarding,
The STB, the 22htz switch, the LNBF or the ASC1, I always unplug both units.
Because of yesterday's storm here on Cape Cod my entire satellite system was unplugged all day.
Made no difference with the ASC1 when I plugged it back in after the storm passed.
I never messed with the voltage settings on the ASC1 after getting it initially set up per the instructions in Brian's write up and it was fine until now.

That's true. The ASC-1 does the actual polarity voltage switching. Look in its menu for LNB Type.
I've found that some images don't play nice with 22 kHz switches and DISEqC switches in combination.
Matter of fact I never had good luck with 22 kHz switches in combination with the ASC-1.
If its the dish mover being the reason or not, I just don't use them. 100% DISEqC switch here. They always work.

Until a few days ago, I never had an issue with the ASC1, my chosen image and my 22khz switch…they played nicely together.
I don't know why there would be a voltage issue all of a sudden, when I haven't messed with the voltage settings.
Thanks for replying.

With the ASC1 in line, does the ASC1's front panel display the polarity changes that tracks with he STB selections?

- If so, measure the ASC1's LNB voltage for both polarities.

- If not, check the ASC1's LNB Voltage setting to confirm it is 13v Vertical / 18v Horizontal.

BTW... the blindscan that found transponders with frequencies between 4500 - 4700 MHz would indicate to me that the STB's LNB type and LO setting is incorrect.

The incorrect KU Blind Scan also points to a STB issue, as KU signal is via a different signal path, which bypasses the ASC1.

Until you figure out why the blind scans are producing incorrect TP frequencies, I wouldn't investigate hardware items that have nothing to do with frequencies (i.e. switches, controllers or LNBFs.
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Long Hair,

When doing any kind of work regarding,
The STB, the 22htz switch, the LNBF or the ASC1, I always unplug both units.
Because of yesterday's storm here on Cape Cod my entire satellite system was unplugged all day.
Made no difference with the ASC1 when I plugged it back in after the storm passed.
I never messed with the voltage settings on the ASC1 after getting it initially set up per the instructions in Brian's write up and it was fine until now.

I figured it wouldn't hurt to check to voltage setting on the ASC1. Because you said you hadn't changed anything in the receive, but some how the lnb settings change to 5750 from 5150. Just food for thought.
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With the ASC1 in line, does the ASC1's front panel display the polarity changes that tracks with he STB selections?

- If so, measure the ASC1's LNB voltage for both polarities.

- If not, check the ASC1's LNB Voltage setting to confirm it is 13v Vertical / 18v Horizontal.

BTW... the blindscan that found transponders with frequencies between 4500 - 4700 MHz would indicate to me that the STB's LNB type and LO setting is incorrect.

The incorrect KU Blind Scan also points to a STB issue, as KU signal is via a different signal path, which bypasses the ASC1.

Until you figure out why the blind scans are producing incorrect TP frequencies, I wouldn't investigate hardware items that have nothing to do with frequencies (i.e. switches, controllers or LNBFs.
Hi Brian,

With the dish coax disconnected from the ASC1 and attached directly to the stb, I was able to scan 105w and get both H and V….transponders, something I was unable to do before as I was just getting V transponders only when connected through the ASC1.
The high transponder issue on C Band was discovered to be an incorrect LNBF setting…5750 instead of the correct 5150,. How that changed I don't know. I wasn't goofing around with those settings at all.
Its been a long while since I had any issues, so let me ask you this. Does the ASC1 help my stb switch between C and kU bands or just their polarities ?
I will check my ASC1 settings and get back to you.
Thanks for your reply.

Hi all,

Just an update…
I am getting all the H and V transponders on C Band however I'm not getting any kU what so ever. I checked my kU LNBF out at the dish it its getting a signal with my satellite finder.

JFOK, Isn't your system wiring like this:
STB >>> 22KHz >>>(One port to KU and other port to ASC1)? If so, the STB controls the switch. The ASC1 has control of the C-band motor and polarity setting, with no control or signal path on KU band.

To test the KU, bypass the 22KHz switch and direct connect the STB to the KU LNBF.

Since the STB C-band LNB settings were somehow changed, is it possible that the KU-band LNB settings or switch settings were also changed?
JFOK, Isn't your wiring:
STB >>> 22KHz >>>(One port to KU and other port to ASC1)? If so, the STB controls the switch. The ASC1 has control of the C-band motor and polarity setting, with no control or signal path on KU band.

To test the KU, bypass the 22KHz switch and direct connect the STB to the KU LNBF.

My setup has always been…
Dish > C Band and kU coax >.Switch > ASC 1 > STB and its worked perfectly.
Is this not the correct set up ?
Will try what you suggested.

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