Smooth game, but it doesn't look like all their cameras are of the same quality. Are they using some SD cameras, or do the cameras mounted on the glass not produce as good of a picture as the huge broadcast ones
Smooth game, but it doesn't look like all their cameras are of the same quality. Are they using some SD cameras, or do the cameras mounted on the glass not produce as good of a picture as the huge broadcast ones
I went to the ESPN site and saw that the game between Nets/Detroit was scheduled to be shown in HD this Friday. I went to another site and came back to and the scheudule was pull off and Nets/Detroit was not there anymore. Hoping for it.
B/C sports leagues and networks have ridiculously stupid blackout rules. Was the game available on another channel in San Jose? I know it wasn't hd, but at least you got the game. Could you imagine the harm done to the global economy if your affiliate didn't have you watching their commercials. A cataclysm.