I currently use a 500 g Western Digital My Book Essentials with USB connector with my 622 HD DVR. If I switched to D* and the Hd 20-700 (or whatever it's called), could I use the ext. drive with this new D* setup?
How do I check if My Book is eSATA? I don't think there's any other connector than the USB on the back? I imagine I could use it for backup to my laptop and get another ext hd that IS eSATA.
Too bad there's not a way to salvage the movies saved. I suppose I would have to either get a hd-tv tuner card/hd-dvd burner and capture the recorded movies from the 622/et. hd & burn to dvd OR use the new Toshiba hd-dvd recorder that records to regular blank dvd's.
But no way to ever txfr to D*'s HD receiver or ext hd?
At present, you can't transfer recorded programs from one HR20 to another and I don't foresee ever being able to transfer from an E* box to a D* box. As much as the networks rerun everything, I suspect you could get most of your programs back by just rerecording them when you go to D*. Count on more reruns than ever now that the writer's strike is here.