At least when a tech comes to the house to swap receivers you get a receipt and its his problem if it goes missing.
the in house and HSP guys use FSTP. that will deactive the receiver in order to activate the new one. so the tech in those cases cant use it to buy PPV.
I am having a terrible time with DirectTV and this Geniego offer. We got the email and have had the Geniego (paid for it) a couple of years. DirectTV is no longer going to support. We called today and when all is said and done after being on the call for almost 2 hours, there is a 2 year commitment.......?????? What? The email clearly states there will be NO cost and NO change to our current account. We have been with DirectTV for 16 years. Long story short to just get off the call we agreed to the 2 year commitment. Any thoughts on what we should do here? Anyone else get a complete run around when making this change?
what receiver do you have?
and what d you want?
Currently have HR24-500 and they say they are sending the HR54.
thats a substantial upgrade (dvr to genie)
do you have more than 1 receiver?
it will also cost more per month
Limited time offer