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F/D Calculations? HELP! | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

F/D Calculations? HELP!

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Are you trying to tell me pain and suffering are forthcoming if I deviate from the manual? LOL. I haven't even given you a picture of the back of the dish yet to double verify it is a PERFECT ten. But I get your point. Its set according to the manual to start with.

Im actually more concerned about the Zero SKEW setting as I was hoping to set this at the 12 O'clock position (or 3 or 6 or whatever this LNBF is set at) before I set it on the pole, but the dish was pointed over at 91W or something when I pulled it and I didn't bother paying attention to the top of the dish at true South, so I'll end up setting it after it gets on the pole, and after I put the actuator back on and run it to due South.

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Loosen the rear actuator bolts that tighten down on the tube so you can swing the dish and let the motor slide. Or, use a car battery an a couple wires to motor it to the middle. Swing the dish towards the middle peak, and align the polar-bar with the elevation bar so they are perfectly parallel. Then, set your lnbf so that the antenna probe inside is straight up and down, or at 3pm, whichever is needed for the one you are using. You'll be dead on the money then, and shouldn't need to even tweak it. Even if you set it for 3pm, and it needs to be at 12pm, all that means is that H & V will be swapped.

If you have a laser level that can shoot a beam DOWN, you might want to use it to make sure your waveguide is perfectly parallel to the dish, AND centered. That's how I did mine. I strapped the laser level to a piece of slotted angle-iron shooting through one of the holes, and straddled it across the backside of the waveguide plate with the lnb tube removed. Once I got it perfect, everything else fell into place nicely.

This is the model laser level I used:
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