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Feb 14 '05: Phillip Swann "Voom Is Still Doomed"... Schmuck!!! | SatelliteGuys.US

Feb 14 '05: Phillip Swann "Voom Is Still Doomed"... Schmuck!!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 9, 2004
After reading this article, please take the time to e-mail Mr. Swann and advise him of your personal feelings on this issue; I have.


News Analysis: Is Voom Still Doomed?

Yes, but the sale of the satellite TV service finally gets Cablevision off the hook.

By Phillip Swann

Washington, D.C. (Feb. 14) -- Chuck Dolan just can't give up the dream.

Dolan, the 78-year-old Cablevision chairman, announced last week that he was heading a group that will purchase the remaining assets of Voom, the struggling satellite TV service he cajoled his company to launch in October 2003. Earlier this month, many analysts concluded that Voom would soon be terminated after Cablevision announced it was selling a Voom satellite (and orbital location) to EchoStar, a satellite rival.

Despite spending more than $1 billion on Voom, the service has signed up only 26,000 subscribers after more than a year.

But Dolan, who fiercely opposed the EchoStar sale, still believes that Voom can survive as a High-Definition TV service (Voom has nearly 40 high-def channels). His group plans to seek funding to keep Voom alive. Tom Dolan, Chuck's son and a member of the new Voom team, says that funding will be secured before the sale transaction date of February 28. (It's also been speculated that Chuck Dolan, a billionaire, will use his own money to fund Voom indefinitely.)

After news of the Dolan sale was announced, Internet message boards were jammed with enthusiastic comments from Voom subscribers. They said that Voom would flourish because Dolan would no longer have to battle skeptical Cablevision officials, including his other son, Cablevision CEO James Dolan. The elderly Dolan, they said, could now run the company the way it's supposed to be run.

But the Voom owners are thinking with their hearts rather than their heads.

Despite the impressive HDTV lineup, Voom's service simply can not compete with satellite mainstays, EchoStar and DIRECTV. The two satcasters now have more than 25 million subscribers and a mountain of cash to spend on everything from marketing to satellite production.

DIRECTV, for instance, is launching four new satellites over the next two years so it can provide up to 150 national HDTV channels by 2007;and it will start offering local high-def channels in 12 markets sometime this summer. Why would anyone subscribe to an upstart satellite service when DIRECTV will soon provide an even better HDTV lineup to go along with its established satellite service?

In addition, despite Dolan's personal fortune, Voom will face even more difficulty because it won't have Cablevision's marketing team and infrastructure behind it. Dolan will soon learn that running a satellite TV service in today's economy is not as easy as it looks. (Unless, of course, he can persuade an existing media company to come in as a partner; it's not likely, but Dolan should be shopping around.)

No, Voom is still doomed. Dolan has just given it a reprieve.

He has also given Cablevision an opportunity to recoup some of its losses. The cable operator now doesn't have to spend more money on shutting down the service -- and it can get some money back from Dolan in the sale.

Who says Chuck Dolan doesn't have Cablevision's best interests at heart?

Phillip Swann, president of, has been quoted on TV technology in dozens of publications and by broadcast outlets, such as The Chicago Tribune, The Hollywood Reporter, Fox News and CNN. If you would like to contact Mr. Swann, he can be reached at 703-505-3064 or at

The TV Predictions Newsletter now has more than 8,000 e-mail subscribers, including some of the nation's highest-ranking TV executives. Sign up today and get our daily news links and 'Swanni Sez,' the weekly commentary from Phillip Swann! It's...FREE!



Mr. Swann,

I wish to point out your observations are simply that, observations.

You negate the fact, Mr. Swann, Mr. Charles Dolan was the same individual brought us HBO, later sold to Time-Warner. And, that the same nay sayer's such as your self, including Wall Street, predicted absolute failure on its inception as well. The exact same forecast was also stressed when Mr. Ted Turner enlightened us with the inception of CNN, also acquired by Time-Warner. Neither ventures brought profitability within, what analysts deemed, a reasonable period.

I was there at their birth's; were you?

How long have you been undermining potential success stories with your so-called crystal ball spewing worthless undermining fodder?

You have discredited yourself with your so called "absolute" analysis.

Never say never, Mr. Swann. For if you are mistaken you'll pay by subverting your very own credibility; being the self proclaimed demagogue who cried wolf.

Mr. Swann, my observations are simply that, observations. Yet, they do not pose the potential for undermining the viability and financial success for many, juxtaposed to the one, you.


Bradley, my friend, my record of forecasting the future has been better of late than Mr. Dolan.
Swanni Sez.


Mr. Swann,

I wish to say I have enjoyed past observations you have presented, although I have not always agreed nor disagreed with your analysis.

Yet, with your forecast of Voom's demise you do bring the following to the forefront…

You most willingly pose a conflict of interest as you are sponsored by HDNet and sing praises for them simultaneously.

You conjecture yourself with the seemingly independent stature you wish to present of yourself; yet is it not an oxymoron to behave in such a manner as to act a lobbyist for the right price, simply a mouthpiece for hire?

Those in the know do recognize this, Mr. Swann.

It is the rest of the ill informed public who are seemingly naive to your discourse.

Mr. Swann, as one who takes compensation for Mark Cuban's HDNet, you very much undermine your own credibility within the industry; stifling a direct competitor,undermining its potential success, forecasting "doom for Voom," although however seemingly insignificant in comparable size in its present stature, while discrediting its creator, are you not possibly libelous?

Oh, Swanni! Do tread carefully, my friend. The FCC and those who like to place you in the eye of the public may not take kindly to your apparent conflicts of interest.
This guys gets too much credit for saying exactly what a lot of posters here and other boards are saying. Nothing new... that we don't know.
If it wasn't for other people saying these things then Swan would have nothing to talk about. Hes always reporting stuff that has been said in the forums weeks after it has been said in the forums.

Some folks thing this guy is a genious, really the only thing Swan is good at is reading forums, finding the trends and making these predictions based on those trends.
besides ,he doesn't get's a huge write off to cablevision,and does anyone here think the story is over??If voom goes on there WILL BE a "white night" some other "big investor" coming on board that will provide all of what he says Voom will lack
My Reply

(Please bypass if already read following posted article. Thank you.)

Mr. Swann,

I wish to point out your observations are simply that, observations.

You negate the fact, Mr. Swann, Mr. Charles Dolan was the same individual brought us HBO, later sold to Time-Warner. And, that the same nay sayer's such as your self, including Wall Street, predicted absolute failure on its inception as well. The exact same forecast was also stressed when Mr. Ted Turner enlightened us with the inception of CNN, also acquired by Time-Warner. Neither ventures brought profitability within, what analysts deemed, a reasonable period.

I was there at their birth's; were you?

How long have you been undermining potential success stories with your so-called crystal ball spewing worthless undermining fodder?

You have discredited yourself with your so called "absolute" analysis.

Never say never, Mr. Swann. For if you are mistaken you'll pay by subverting your very own credibility; being the self proclaimed demagogue who cried wolf.

Mr. Swann, my observations are simply that, observations. Yet, they do not pose the potential for undermining the viability and financial success for many, juxtaposed to the one, you.
Mr. Swann's Reply

(Please bypass if already read following posted article. Thank you.)

Bradley, my friend, my record of forecasting the future has been better of late than Mr. Dolan.
Swanni Sez.
Mr. Swann has posted his first VOOM-DOOM prediction back in October 2003. It's now February 2005. I am just curious how many years does VOOM need to stay afloat to prove him wrong? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years??? :yes
If he is proven wrong 2 or 3 years in a row, would he admit he was wrong?

By the way, here is how he came to his conclusion in the initial prediction:

"...I think Voom is already doomed. And here's why:
Voom is targeting the wrong audience: Fewer than 7 million people have HDTV sets, and perhaps as few as 2 million actually have the digital tuners required to receive hi-def signals..."

I wonder how many of us VOOMers belong to those 2 million with digital tuners??? :rolleyes:
Ilya said:
Mr. Swann has posted his first VOOM-DOOM prediction back in October 2003. It's now February 2005. I am just curious how many years does VOOM need to stay afloat to prove him wrong? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years??? :yes

By the way, here is how he came to his conclusion in the initial prediction:

"...I think Voom is already doomed. And here's why:

as few as 2 million actually have the digital tuners required to receive hi-def signals..." :confused:

Is this a joke? The VOOM box IS the tuner? My TV has no HDTV tuner - I bet most of us with HDTV have no tuner unless we live somewhere that gets a good deal of OTA HD signals.
"After news of the Dolan sale was announced, Internet message boards were jammed with enthusiastic comments from Voom subscribers. They said that Voom would flourish because Dolan would no longer have to battle skeptical Cablevision officials, including his other son, Cablevision CEO James Dolan. The elderly Dolan, they said, could now run the company the way it's supposed to be run.

But the Voom owners are thinking with their hearts rather than their heads."

How professional is that. If he is supposed to know so much what is he doing reading message boards for his info and attacking the people on them. Talk about bush league. At this point it must all just be for spite and any glimmer of hope he might not be wrong.
Just as soon as I cool down....

...I will!! Vicki

bradley said:
After reading this article, please take the time to e-mail Mr. Swann and advise him of your personal feelings on this issue; I have.

News Analysis: Is Voom Still Doomed?

Yes, but the sale of the satellite TV service finally gets Cablevision off the hook.
Remains to be seen!

By Phillip Swann

Washington, D.C. (Feb. 14) -- Chuck Dolan just can't give up the dream.
WON'T would be more accurate.

(Snipped to save space on stuff we already know...emphasis on his words below added by me...)

In addition, despite Dolan's personal fortune, Voom will face even more difficulty because it won't have Cablevision's marketing team and infrastructure behind it.
In my opinion, Cablevision's marketing team was either NEVER behind him or just totally inept!

Dolan will soon learn that running a satellite TV service in today's economy is not as easy as it looks.
No, it might be easier if he doesn't have to battle an enemy inside.

No, Voom is still doomed. Dolan has just given it a reprieve.
Remains to be seen...but my money is on Charles Dolan!

Phillip Swann, president of, has been quoted on TV technology in dozens of publications and by broadcast outlets, such as The Chicago Tribune, The Hollywood Reporter, Fox News and CNN. If you would like to contact Mr. Swann, he can be reached at 703-505-3064 or at

I am a Fox News fan, but don't normally watch Neil Cavuto because I don't have any investments to worry about :river , but I plan to start watchin regularly again, and will make my opinion known to them too, if they reference this guy.

The TV Predictions Newsletter now has more than 8,000 e-mail subscribers, including some of the nation's highest-ranking TV executives. Sign up today and get our daily news links and 'Swanni Sez,' the weekly commentary from Phillip Swann! It's...FREE!

Exactly what it's worth in my opinion. I followed a link there when it was previously posted on this site, and although I didn't take time to read through all of them, in his list of his last 40 or so predictions, I spotted many that I am pretty sure were misguided or the headers were misleading to say the least.

Time for a cocktail...
...let the steam evaporate a bit...!
Phillip Swann is a no talent A-Hole who works for Mark Cuban.

Am I the only one who sees this?
My Reply To His Reply

(Please bypass if already read following posted article. Thank you.)

Mr. Swann,

I wish to say I have enjoyed past observations you have presented, although I have not always agreed nor disagreed with your analysis.

Yet, with your forecast of Voom's demise you do bring the following to the forefront…

You most willingly pose a conflict of interest as you are sponsored by HDNet and sing praises for them simultaneously.

You conjecture yourself with the seemingly independent stature you wish to present of yourself; yet is it not an oxymoron to behave in such a manner as to act a lobbyist for the right price, simply a mouthpiece for hire?

Those in the know do recognize this, Mr. Swann.

It is the rest of the ill informed public who are seemingly naive to your discourse.

Mr. Swann, as one who takes compensation for Mark Cuban's HDNet, you very much undermine your own credibility within the industry; stifling a direct competitor, undermining its potential success, forecasting "doom for Voom," although however seemingly insignificant in comparable size in its present stature, while discrediting its creator, are you not possibly libelous?

Oh, Swanni! Do tread carefully, my friend. The FCC and those who like to place you in the eye of the public may not take kindly to your apparent conflicts of interest.
Well put, but all of the big words are probably over Philipth head.


bradley said:
Mr. Swann,

I wish to say I have enjoyed past observations you have presented, although I have not always agreed nor disagreed with your analysis.

Yet, with your forecast of Voom's demise you do bring the following to the forefront…

You most willingly pose a conflict of interest as you are sponsored by HDNet and sing praises for them simultaneously.

You conjecture yourself with the seemingly independent stature you wish to present of yourself; yet is it not an oxymoron to behave in such a manner as to act a lobbyist for the right price, simply a mouthpiece for hire?

Those in the know do recognize this, Mr. Swann.

It is the rest of the ill informed public who are seemingly naive to your discourse.

Mr. Swann, as one who takes compensation for Mark Cuban's HDNet, you very much undermine your own credibility within the industry; stifling a direct competitor,undermining its potential success, forecasting "doom for Voom," although however seemingly insignificant in comparable size in its present stature, while discrediting its creator, are you not possibly libelous?

Oh, Swanni! Do tread carefully, my friend. The FCC and those who like to place you in the eye of the public may not take kindly to your apparent conflicts of interest.
I understand that one shouldn't feed trolls. Why bring Swann's swine in here? Should we crosspost the negative posts from other web sites as well?

Let him filth up his own webspace. There is no need to give him credence and an audience by quoting him here. It is almost like he's trolling by proxy. Ignore him.

Damn...and I thought the steam was evaporated...

klen said:
Well put, but all of the big words are probably over Philipth head.

klen...I know your response was essentially "right on", but the only words or phrases I can see that Swann PROBABLY would have had problems with were:

independent stature

Even the dumbest of us (I include myself in this category) would not have had problems understanding Bradley's post!! :clap :bow

Bradley...all I can say is WHOA!! :D Talk about hitting a nail on the head!!! :bow :rainbow :love I'll try not to copy your post word for word, once I cool off again...but it would be hard to state it any better! :clap :clap :clap Regarding all the other posts in between...I don't think I saw one I would disagree with. :)
(Mumbling to myself again)...Back to the cocktails, never mind dinner...steam must evaporate first... :no
justalurker said:
Let him filth up his own webspace. There is no need to give him credence and an audience by quoting him here. It is almost like he's trolling by proxy. Ignore him.


For the second time...I have to agree with you. Damn.
I must have had too much to drink...

justalurker said:
I understand that one shouldn't feed trolls. Why bring Swann's swine in here? Should we crosspost the negative posts from other web sites as well?

Let him filth up his own webspace. There is no need to give him credence and an audience by quoting him here. It is almost like he's trolling by proxy. Ignore him.

...I agree too, but did you REALLY say that??? Mumbling to myself again...must be too much booze...!! :D

Seriously, justalurker, I've got to hand it to you, you've started to temper your snide remarks and post more "just the facts" and "my opinion" type stuff, and I'm gonna call off my Beagle dog! He loves to chase critters...but it takes too much away from his naptimes! :D Vicki

Is Voom Still Doomed?

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