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Feb 14 '05: Phillip Swann "Voom Is Still Doomed"... Schmuck!!! | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

Feb 14 '05: Phillip Swann "Voom Is Still Doomed"... Schmuck!!!

jnardone said:
Don't be confused - it is easy to understand. Human beings can only watch one TV program at a time so it does not matter how many channels you have. What matters is how many different PROGRAMS you have available. The channels that are exclusive to VOOM have very little variety in the programs that they show while the HD channels that are common to both VOOM and DISH with the OTA module have lot more variety. This is why even though VOOM has twice as many HD channels (at my house VOOMw/OTA = 45 HD channels, DISH w/OTA would be 20 HD channels) they have only a little more HD programming. A DVR allows you to record programs and watch them at a different time than the time they were broadcast. This is why you can watch many more different HD programs on DISH even though VOOM has more HD channels.

Where is Starzhd, encorehd, tmchd, cinemaxhd... I could not find these in dish and this is why I downgraded my subscription with them. Except for HDnet and HDnet movies... VOOM covers everything else for me... Even my cable companies has more HD channels than dish network and the only channel that they do not have in HDnet and HDnet movies but they have INHD that dish does not have.


Locals are both in dish and VOOM with OTA module
ESPNHD, DiscoveryHD, TNTHD on both.
HBO and showtime on Both...

HDnet and HDnet movies only on Dish....

Universal HD only on VOOM
Starzhd(2), encorehd, tmchd, cinemaxhd(2) only on VOOM

In my opinion, I rather pay for the more HD channels on VOOM than dish... Of course, since I am a HD fanatic, I still pay for the HDnet and HDnet movies.

Besides the above.... there are the 21 HD channels... Which I use as complementary to the above.

Now I have to ask given the two packages which one do you think will give you more new programs per month assumming that you carry the all package for both providers.

Repeats... Don't care about them... there are a lot on local channels, the HDnet and HDnet movies, the HBO and showtime... Repeats you find everywhere... Give me a 24/7 channel without repeat and you will find gold. Of course, we are talking about HD here.
Voom doesn't match up as a single provider

Most folks don't have the money for multiple providers. That's why Voom loses every time. It's easier to go with cable, e*, or d*. You at least get some HD, maybe not all the hd that's available, but most of what's good (local networksin hd, espnhd). Most folks don't need, nor are willing to pay an extra provider $50 bucks a month so that they can watch "Eye Over Italy".
FrankJo said:
Most folks don't have the money for multiple providers. That's why Voom loses every time. It's easier to go with cable, e*, or d*. You at least get some HD, maybe not all the hd that's available, but most of what's good (local networksin hd, espnhd). Most folks don't need, nor are willing to pay an extra provider $50 bucks a month so that they can watch "Eye Over Italy".

Your Source or is it your opinion only?
I apologize for being so rude, but this guys is a jerk

bradley said:
After reading this article, please take the time to e-mail Mr. Swann and advise him of your personal feelings on this issue; I have.


News Analysis: Is Voom Still Doomed?

Yes, but the sale of the satellite TV service finally gets Cablevision off the hook.

By Phillip Swann

Washington, D.C. (Feb. 14) -- Chuck Dolan just can't give up the dream.

Dolan, the 78-year-old Cablevision chairman, announced last week that he was heading a group that will purchase the remaining assets of Voom, the struggling satellite TV service he cajoled his company to launch in October 2003. Earlier this month, many analysts concluded that Voom would soon be terminated after Cablevision announced it was selling a Voom satellite (and orbital location) to EchoStar, a satellite rival.

Despite spending more than $1 billion on Voom, the service has signed up only 26,000 subscribers after more than a year.

But Dolan, who fiercely opposed the EchoStar sale, still believes that Voom can survive as a High-Definition TV service (Voom has nearly 40 high-def channels). His group plans to seek funding to keep Voom alive. Tom Dolan, Chuck's son and a member of the new Voom team, says that funding will be secured before the sale transaction date of February 28. (It's also been speculated that Chuck Dolan, a billionaire, will use his own money to fund Voom indefinitely.)

After news of the Dolan sale was announced, Internet message boards were jammed with enthusiastic comments from Voom subscribers. They said that Voom would flourish because Dolan would no longer have to battle skeptical Cablevision officials, including his other son, Cablevision CEO James Dolan. The elderly Dolan, they said, could now run the company the way it's supposed to be run.

But the Voom owners are thinking with their hearts rather than their heads.

Despite the impressive HDTV lineup, Voom's service simply can not compete with satellite mainstays, EchoStar and DIRECTV. The two satcasters now have more than 25 million subscribers and a mountain of cash to spend on everything from marketing to satellite production.

DIRECTV, for instance, is launching four new satellites over the next two years so it can provide up to 150 national HDTV channels by 2007;and it will start offering local high-def channels in 12 markets sometime this summer. Why would anyone subscribe to an upstart satellite service when DIRECTV will soon provide an even better HDTV lineup to go along with its established satellite service?

In addition, despite Dolan's personal fortune, Voom will face even more difficulty because it won't have Cablevision's marketing team and infrastructure behind it. Dolan will soon learn that running a satellite TV service in today's economy is not as easy as it looks. (Unless, of course, he can persuade an existing media company to come in as a partner; it's not likely, but Dolan should be shopping around.)

No, Voom is still doomed. Dolan has just given it a reprieve.

He has also given Cablevision an opportunity to recoup some of its losses. The cable operator now doesn't have to spend more money on shutting down the service -- and it can get some money back from Dolan in the sale.

Who says Chuck Dolan doesn't have Cablevision's best interests at heart?

Phillip Swann, president of, has been quoted on TV technology in dozens of publications and by broadcast outlets, such as The Chicago Tribune, The Hollywood Reporter, Fox News and CNN. If you would like to contact Mr. Swann, he can be reached at 703-505-3064 or at

The TV Predictions Newsletter now has more than 8,000 e-mail subscribers, including some of the nation's highest-ranking TV executives. Sign up today and get our daily news links and 'Swanni Sez,' the weekly commentary from Phillip Swann! It's...FREE!



Mr. Swann,

I wish to point out your observations are simply that, observations.

You negate the fact, Mr. Swann, Mr. Charles Dolan was the same individual brought us HBO, later sold to Time-Warner. And, that the same nay sayer's such as your self, including Wall Street, predicted absolute failure on its inception as well. The exact same forecast was also stressed when Mr. Ted Turner enlightened us with the inception of CNN, also acquired by Time-Warner. Neither ventures brought profitability within, what analysts deemed, a reasonable period.

I was there at their birth's; were you?

How long have you been undermining potential success stories with your so-called crystal ball spewing worthless undermining fodder?

You have discredited yourself with your so called "absolute" analysis.

Never say never, Mr. Swann. For if you are mistaken you'll pay by subverting your very own credibility; being the self proclaimed demagogue who cried wolf.

Mr. Swann, my observations are simply that, observations. Yet, they do not pose the potential for undermining the viability and financial success for many, juxtaposed to the one, you.


Bradley, my friend, my record of forecasting the future has been better of late than Mr. Dolan.
Swanni Sez.


Mr. Swann,

I wish to say I have enjoyed past observations you have presented, although I have not always agreed nor disagreed with your analysis.

Yet, with your forecast of Voom's demise you do bring the following to the forefront…

You most willingly pose a conflict of interest as you are sponsored by HDNet and sing praises for them simultaneously.

You conjecture yourself with the seemingly independent stature you wish to present of yourself; yet is it not an oxymoron to behave in such a manner as to act a lobbyist for the right price, simply a mouthpiece for hire?

Those in the know do recognize this, Mr. Swann.

It is the rest of the ill informed public who are seemingly naive to your discourse.

Mr. Swann, as one who takes compensation for Mark Cuban's HDNet, you very much undermine your own credibility within the industry; stifling a direct competitor,undermining its potential success, forecasting "doom for Voom," although however seemingly insignificant in comparable size in its present stature, while discrediting its creator, are you not possibly libelous?

Oh, Swanni! Do tread carefully, my friend. The FCC and those who like to place you in the eye of the public may not take kindly to your apparent conflicts of interest.
Dear Mr. Swann,
I have read several of your postings of the past several months and I have finally found the need to expression my disgust at your lack of intelligence in the HD area.

First, Direct TV advised me they would be launching 22-30 new HD channels in Q4' 04. Did they, not 1. They are launching sats in 2007 for HD (or HD light) but the programming will not air until 2008. You mentioned that VOOM does not have that much more HD programming than D* or E*. Please get your facts straight before commenting, your reputation is worthless at this point because of your lack of knowledge in the area you claim to be an expert.

Echostar has HDnet, HDmovies, TNT, Discovery, ESPN, 1-Showtime HD, 1-HBO HD wow.

With my OTA antenna I get all of the metro Phoenix HD channels plus all of the Tucson HD channels.

In addition I get 2 HBOs not 1, 2 Showtimes not 1, 2 Cinemax Channels not 0, 2 Starz Channels not 0, 1 EncoreHD channels Not 0, 1 TMC Channels not 0, 1 Universal HD Channel not 0, a couple of others and not to mention the 21 GREAT VOOM exclusives which my children say some of the programming is better than Nicktoons. Where else can you get 24x7 Kung Fu movies, 24x7 Westerns and Horror movies, Concerts, Extreme Sports.

I don't understand how you position yourself, when you are nothing more than a total ignoramus when it comes to the industry you claim to be an expert in.

Riding the Rainbow 1 Satellite will enable the new VOOM to lease transponders from wherever they want to without the cost of maintaining a bird. This leaves more assets to concentrate on adding additional programming.

What does an HD PVR have to do with the amount of content VOOM has to offer? Do you even have the slightest idea what you are talking about, I think not! Please do this industry a favor and become an analyst in another industry that does not require a brain.
Sean Mota said:
Now I have to ask given the two packages which one do you think will give you more new programs per month assumming that you carry the all package for both providers.

I think Dish with the DVR and OTA gives you more new HD programs per month than VOOM with all possible channels. This is due to the number of HD programs that do not repeat and are therefore not available on VOOM unless you give up watching something else.
My Response

kfried001 said:
Dear Mr. Swann,
I have read several of your postings of the past several months and I have finally found the need to expression my disgust at your lack of intelligence in the HD area.

First, Direct TV advised me they would be launching 22-30 new HD channels in Q4' 04. Did they, not 1. They are launching sats in 2007 for HD (or HD light) but the programming will not air until 2008. You mentioned that VOOM does not have that much more HD programming than D* or E*. Please get your facts straight before commenting, your reputation is worthless at this point because of your lack of knowledge in the area you claim to be an expert.

Echostar has HDnet, HDmovies, TNT, Discovery, ESPN, 1-Showtime HD, 1-HBO HD wow.

With my OTA antenna I get all of the metro Phoenix HD channels plus all of the Tucson HD channels.

In addition I get 2 HBOs not 1, 2 Showtimes not 1, 2 Cinemax Channels not 0, 2 Starz Channels not 0, 1 EncoreHD channels Not 0, 1 TMC Channels not 0, 1 Universal HD Channel not 0, a couple of others and not to mention the 21 GREAT VOOM exclusives which my children say some of the programming is better than Nicktoons. Where else can you get 24x7 Kung Fu movies, 24x7 Westerns and Horror movies, Concerts, Extreme Sports.

I don't understand how you position yourself, when you are nothing more than a total ignoramus when it comes to the industry you claim to be an expert in.

Riding the Rainbow 1 Satellite will enable the new VOOM to lease transponders from wherever they want to without the cost of maintaining a bird. This leaves more assets to concentrate on adding additional programming.

What does an HD PVR have to do with the amount of content VOOM has to offer? Do you even have the slightest idea what you are talking about, I think not! Please do this industry a favor and become an analyst in another industry that does not require a brain.

Dear Mr. Swann,
I did not know I had to sign my name. It was not a matter of courage, you have my email and I thought that was enough. My name is Ken Fried. I apologize I can't scan my signature in.

I also apologize if I came off a little hard, but you are not facing facts. I have cable as well and they have more HD than either Dish or Direct. Cox has all locals in HD, ESPN-HD, Universal HD, 1 Starz, 1 Showtime, 1 HBO, DiscoveryHD (they charge $5.00 extra above and beyond the plus pack) and InHD1 & 2. 14 Channels in all and I have their HD PVR (which is primitive but works). I only watch Inhd1 & 2 and some SD's that VOOM does not have yet. I have Direct Tv for the NFL ticket as well.

You asked, who would every think of signing up with VOOM against Direct and Dish. Well, you insulted me. I am intelligent, hold a considerably higher professional position than yo and you sir insulted my intelligence. I invested by PURCHASING 5 receivers for my house and motorhome in Oct '03 and although the "early days were a bit challenging" everything works great know.

It seems like "analysts" like you, and I use that term loosely, seem to actually want VOOM to fail. You are saying that there is no new Sat company that can start and compete with D* and E*. Well, I was purchasing my second HD set this weekend at Best Buy. There was a customer who was looking to return his Toshiba HD set and asked what I recommended (I don't why he asked me, I am not an HDTV expert). But he was asking if I knew anything about the Panasonic because they had a 52 on sale for $1499.00. I told hime I had a lemon Panasonic that Best Replaced with a Toshiba and I was looking for a Hitachi or Mitsubishi. I asked him why he wanted to return his Toshiba and he said that the picture quality on the SD channels with Direct TV looked horrible and the high definition was not what he expected. I told him it was the service he chose. When I had Direct and Dish for SD's they did not look good either. I told him I have had VOOM for about 1-1/2 years and the SD looks much better. He said he just heard about VOOM and we spend the next 1/2 hour talking about VOOM and two Best Buy salespeople were listening in as well. He said he was going home and signing up for the $1 deal and canceling Direct TV. One Best Buy person already had VOOM and the other said he wanted it know as well.

Mr. Swann, VOOM is going to survive, especially when they add the missing SD channels and more HD next month. Wouldn't it be great if they got HDnet/Movies and inhd1 &2. They would have it all. VOOM will be a force to be reckoned with for people who really want the most out of their HD sets. Why else buy and HD set ? for just a handful of channels.

I saw five new VOOM dishes this month in my areas, in addition to the six neighbors that got the service after they saw mine.

I admit I was a little harsh on you, and yes I do believe you have a brain, but I am getting sick of people putting VOOM down. If you had it, you would see why it is so great. My family hated it when I first got it, but now it is the provider of choice.

I also realize you are looking at this service from a financial standpoint and not from your heart. But there are countless businesses that are very successful when the "analysts" said they were doomed. This is going to be one of them. Mr. DolanSr., a genius and a man with a vision, which you just don't seem to see. This is only a sat service and look at the loyalty and enthusiams the subs have for it. Yes, VOOM has made mistakes in the past that has stopped it from propelling into a system with more subs, but I truly believe that is changing.

Ken Fried
FrankJo said:
Most folks don't need, nor are willing to pay an extra provider $50 bucks a month so that they can watch "Eye Over Italy".

Obviously true but so what? This has nothing to do with why people are vooming. In fact, I've yet to see "Eye Over Italy", there are so many other interesting things in HD.


After examining your vast array of posts I can honestly say you are nothing less than an agitator; feeding on other people's grief as a pariah.

Certainly you must be enthralled with the plethora of HD content provided by your provider, DishNetwork.

But, if by chance you do become bored, may I suggest you restrict yourself to the DishNetwork forum, participate in what impacts your life, and allow those of us to continue to investigate and discuss developments that pertain to our lives without your fodder?

Scott, Sean, Ilya and other moderators know of you and your behavior that does not befit this forum.

Thank you.
r.jones1116 said:
So, Frank, you spent a couple of grand on a HDTV and you don't care whether your RSN is in HD or not.

Sorry, Frank, on the contrary, you're not even average.

Frank, How do you like your Crow?

They are adding the RSN's, Outdoor channel, National Geographics, all the discovery channels and the other "missing" SD's, plus adding more HD's. If they add Hdnet/movies and inhd1 & 2, they will have it all except for the sports packages which you can easily pick up from another provided if needed. I have Direct just for the NFL ticket.

So will you switch back when all the other SDs are added? And EVERYONE's opinion matters. It's just when you turn opinions into false facts that gets people irrirtated.
jnardone said:
I think Dish with the DVR and OTA gives you more new HD programs per month than VOOM with all possible channels. This is due to the number of HD programs that do not repeat and are therefore not available on VOOM unless you give up watching something else.

I will not spend $400 + on Dish HD DVR that will be absolete. Sorry but that's the way it is. I bought a 721 SD DVR and I am glad that I got rid of it. I would not invest either on HD TIVO for $800+. That's just me but it will be crazy to invest in any of these technology. If anything, I would go with a cable DVR that is leasable.

Here's a problem I have with your logic. Based on my viewing habits, I sit down and watch what I like. There are times when two programs may air at the same time. Well, if the program is repeated down the road, what is the problem. Take a look at all the non-local hd channels. For a whole month, you have multiple air times of the same program. They may even air the same program the following month. I strongly disagree with you. I used to have an SD DVR and I can see the benefits of it, but it does not mean it will bring you more new programs/month.

Even local programming is repeated... Take a look at Saturday nights and through the week, there's a lot of repeats. I personally do not watch local programming in HD. The reason is because of the amount of ad time. This was the most useful thing about the DVR, skipping commercials. Now I do not watch LOCAL HD programming unless is compelling enough.
Voom needs to rethink their business model. I would add the service IF I could use it as a supplement to my E* service. Have a package that adds channels unavailable on E* and I'll sign up tomorrow. I just don't want to add another receiver (no more inputs left on my AV receiver) or give up my PVR to get it (yeah, I know, one is coming but there are too many missing SD channels to make me want to switch to that one... ASSUMING version 1.0 is solid out of the box.... that's a big IF)

Mod Edit

And no, I'm not going to "restrict" myself to the Dish Forum. I AM interested in Voom and what happens to it. But most of the posters here are unrealistic about Vooms future, and try to discredit anyone who has an opinion that doesn't fit their own.

The reality is that Voom may very well end up defunct. That is a fact. It may flourish, but the powers that be (the market), have shown that Voom is not quite ready yet. If Voom can find a way to hang on for another year, maybe it has a shot. But that's a big maybe.

You get all upset because people are being negative about Voom. VOOMS OWN COMPANY JUST DUMPED IT! The market rules in capitalism, and especially in a publicly owned company. If Mr. Dolan wants to give it a go with his own money, fine. But it's obvious that he's taking a humongous risk in doing so. We don't even know if he'll be able to find financing, which he needs to do in the next few weeks.

Once again, for the hundreth time. I HAD VOOM - I LIKED VOOM! I got rid of it because they didn't have but 1 RSN!
Point in case, Mr. FrankJo...

Go back and examine your very own posts, Mr. FrankJo. I did. Haven't seen single positive post. Not a one going back almost 20 posts.

You know what I have seen, FrankJo? Bitch, bitch, bitch! Contradict. Agitate. Bitch, bitch, bitch! Contradict! Agitate. What a glorious agenda you have! You are one happy camper!

"Voom is doomed because I couldn't get but one RSN."

Do you have to make everyone else miserable in order to justify your decision? No, FrankJo. You don't. You left. You made your decision. Now, be gone. Save your pessimism for some other forum.

Do you have any concept of what it is to be a gentleman? To communicate without the spitefulness in your heart?

You act like a sniveling little brat who is so miserable he must constantly bully, tease and provoke, putting down and pulling down all others and their beliefs in his wake.

What a loathable piece of work you are, FrankJo!

When and if Voom fails, as you so self righteously predict, then gloat. But it hasn't happened yet, has it, FrankJo? So, till then, try to be a contributing citizen; not simply a blemish on the face of life.
FrankJo said:

Mod Edit

We do not need to get personal. Right :)

FrankJo said:
But most of the posters here are unrealistic about Vooms future, and try to discredit anyone who has an opinion that doesn't fit their own.

it works the other way around as well. There are those that negate the possibility of a 3rd DBS provider or even VOOM surviving despite the fact that on the 2/28/05 there's an intent to buy Voom by Chuck Dolan. [/quote]

FrankJo said:
The reality is that Voom may very well end up defunct. That is a fact.

how is that a fact? Can you give us the insight of it? You see you are falling into your own trap as well. You don't give VOOM either a chance for survival based on your own bias views [/quote]

FrankJo said:
It may flourish, but the powers that be (the market), have shown that Voom is not quite ready yet. If Voom can find a way to hang on for another year, maybe it has a shot. But that's a big maybe.

It maybe but don't jump to conclusion yet.

FrankJo said:
You get all upset because people are being negative about Voom. VOOMS OWN COMPANY JUST DUMPED IT! The market rules in capitalism, and especially in a publicly owned company. If Mr. Dolan wants to give it a go with his own money, fine. But it's obvious that he's taking a humongous risk in doing so. We don't even know if he'll be able to find financing, which he needs to do in the next few weeks.

Frank, seriously do you own stocks at CVC. Because that will be the only way I will care whether or not his vision succeeds or not. As a subscriber, I care about one thing, paying the monthly premium and in return I expect programming. Whether Mr. Dolan is willing to do this beyond the odds it is not my concern or should be or anyone here.

FrankJo said:
Once again, for the hundreth time. I HAD VOOM - I LIKED VOOM! I got rid of it because they didn't have but 1 RSN!

you showed where your priority lies by switching for the 1 RSN. And I think it was an SD channel. Well, good for you. Not everyone is in the same boat Frank. I have 4 RSNs in my market and could not care about any of them. Be happy with your decision and go back and watch that RSN channel. In the mean time, most Voomers are happy with the decision they made. Not everyone is the same.
Got here late...

...Bradley and Sean made my arguments for me... :)
FrankJo said:
Once again, for the hundreth time. I HAD VOOM - I LIKED VOOM! I got rid of it because they didn't have but 1 RSN! the only thing I can add is...GET OVER IT and move've made your bed, and if it's so great, why aren't you lying in it?...watching your provider of choice? :confused: :confused: :confused: Vicki
This thread has appeared to have run its course and then some.
What started out as an attack on some unknown guy named Swann has deteriorated into an attack on some unknown guy named FrankJo.
When will it all end???
Perhaps you're right.

Sickens me, those who troll around just to feed their twisted desires; no respect. None.
Dvlos said:
I only have Voom, and I can only afford 1 provider.. I just don't need Home Shopping Channel or PBSKids that badly I guess.

Same here. No RSN? Whoopee, the game is usually on one of the local stations and likely in HD. So they lack some cable channels? Whoopee, most cable systems don't have all the channels either.

I never liked having tons of channels. Why? Most of your time is spent weeding through hundreds of channels only to find there is nothing on. The more channels the more nothing. The 92 channels I currently receive is more than enough.

Speaking of shopping channels and PBSKids. I get those on my VOOM system. One of the two PBS stations I get multicasts their regular schedule with PBS You, and PBS Kids. One of our local stations is a home shopping channel, even in SD it blows the video of those over compressed shopping channels away.

FrankJo said:
Most folks don't need, nor are willing to pay an extra provider $50 bucks a month so that they can watch "Eye Over Italy".

Interesting. As an early adopter I spent over $700 for an OTA STB. At the time there was one channel PBS-HD. I must have seen "Eye Over Italy" a hundred times on PBS-HD. Last night I watched "Chilluny (sp) Over Venice" for about the 50th time. This was the first every HD program transmitted by PBS in 1998. Why watch this stuff over and over? This footage is so spectacular and vivid that everytime you watch you see something you missed before.

Compared to HDTVs early years the repeats on VOOM are tollerable. Imagine having only one HD channel for several years where the programming was three, 3 hour blocks of EquatorHD type programming (most of what is on E-HD came from PBS) in a constant rotation for 3 years. In 2001 the other local stations started comming on line to give me a little variety before VOOM started.

Is Voom Still Doomed?

VOOM Subs are Loyal Enthusiast

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