mr zulu
to get rid of channle syou dont want to see
create a fav list, and remove the offenders from it.
welcome the new folks who switched to D*
Mr Zulu you get an A+ in your reportPosting the good and bad and you didnt sugar coat anything
a favorite list will only show what channels you want in the guide. If you are on a channel and do a channel up or down it goes to the next channel you have in the list. Example would be if I was on "The 101" (101) and hit channel up. The next channel I get is CNN (202) as the channels in between are not in my favorites
Also I assume you did the "hide SD duplicates" so if there is a HD version available it will only show that in the guide?
Also the HR24 has a decent version of "channels I get"...If I remember right its pretty much the channels you get. Some of the older units its not the best and puts in channels that you may not get but it shows (the sports alternate channels if you dont sub to the multisports pack as example)
yellow button will bring up the favorites list. There will be 5 options
-edit settings
-all channels
-channels I get
-setup custom 1
-setup custom 2
Ooh thanks. I see that. I hadn't gone into the favorites menu yet cause I considered that a last option that would be time consuming. I haven't had the time to see how well that will work for me but at least I see the option.
Now, if I can only get a custom folder option in the Playlist and a few more options on the keyword search and it will be as good as perfect for me.
Just made the switch 1/24. Our first impressions were that D* HD picture was slightly sharper than E*. The remote is a little hard to get used for functionality. I haven't figured out how to reverse, stop and advance one frame at a time (for checking controversial sports calls). I was able to do this with the E* DVR. The program guide is far superior to E* The D* picture seems to have fewer freezes than E*, although this may have been a function of my aging 622. Overall, I am happier with D* than E*.
Thanks -- that works! Now, if I could just get rid of the time bar at the bottom of the screen while I am advancing one frame at a time -- it always seems to obscure the part of the picture I need to see...To go back frame by frame:
Pause then Reverse ..... (not the 8 sec back).
I'm not sure what they call it.
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