What about Apple (iTunes) becoming the top music retailer in the US?
True. Maybe even longer.music is not movies. I can download a song in 10 seconds, however it would take me several hours to download an HD movie.
They most probably will. Just like CDs have.No, I hope that disc based media sales survive.
Ain't MP3 players the ultimate portable devices?Portability is more important to me.
True. Maybe even longer.
But this isn't what this is all about.
Download has to catch on as a paradigm. And it takes somebody like Apple to accomplish that.
Microsoft can't do that - they would attach Windows in some form to it and everybody would be screaming.
Sony can't do that: "Here comes another stupid Sony format!".
Only Apple/S.Jobs, who's ideas are genious before they leave his head, with unrivaled loyalty can do that.
Now, half the job is done - downloads as a mean to get entertainment is here to stay.
Somebody has to bridge the music-movies gap - in terms of price and technology - and it's done.
It's not even neccessary they are all HD from the start. Just such option should be available.
As soon as this happens, BD will become the next LD, i.e. lose mind share, the glitz and glamor of something new.
Thanks, I know. And watched a handful.where have you been?...XBL is the Leading Online Provider of High-Definition Content TODAY....
2) But I think BD will fail. It just "feels" like it's too elitist to get very far. I admit that that "feeling" comes mostly from posts I've read here and on some of the BD advocacy sites, so the elitist tendency that I sense may not continue on into the general population.
An incremental upgrade cannot command a significant price premium, as HD does now.
They could ensure the success of this format tomorrow if they dropped the price so that it was only a $5 premium over DVD.
With new DVDs costing $16 at Best Buy and catalog titles going for less than $10, charging $25-40 for BluRay just isn't going to cut it.
Most BD players(PS3) they quote that are in homes are in some kids room on a SDTV.
And it is....it seems silly for a parent to buy an expensive next-gen console for an SD TV.
Ditto. Well enough said that I would have been happy to have written that myself.I'm purple, so no I don't want BD to fail, and like a previous poster stated "it's all we've got", but I still think the wrong format won from a consumer standpoint. I'll continue to buy both formats as long as the price is right but I will not pay more than $20 for any disc.
I have zero trust in Sony and if BD does break out of niche status it will be in spite them IMHO.
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