Hi Guys, I am on the site eveyday but rarely post. Today I had to share my latest find with everyone. About lunchtime a friend who is a realtor called and told me about a foreclosed house with a primestar dish in the yard. He said the new owner wanted the property cleaned up including that "awful" dish
What makes this unusual is the fact that primestar service was never that popular here. (Eastern S.C.). I hurried to the house(20 miles). When I got there I was shocked to see a round Primestar dish that measured 52 inches by 49 inches. Thats right more than 4 feet:up I removed the dish from the mast and started to dig up the pole. The mast was shc. 40 pipe of about 3 inch O.D filled with concrete, buried four feet deep, with about a 12 inch ring of concrete
I finally got it all up and loaded.
This evening I called a friend who worked for primestar here in the early 90's. He said that all the dishs he put in back then were this same >4 foot size!
I have two questions 1. Has anybody here ever seen, heard about, or used a primestar this big? 2.Now that I have this wonderful find should I use it for a simple fixed dish, a multiple lnb dish or maybe as a mini bud.
My next step is to start a serious hunt for more of these dishes. Imagine a dish farm with a dozen of these all as fixed dishs

This evening I called a friend who worked for primestar here in the early 90's. He said that all the dishs he put in back then were this same >4 foot size!
I have two questions 1. Has anybody here ever seen, heard about, or used a primestar this big? 2.Now that I have this wonderful find should I use it for a simple fixed dish, a multiple lnb dish or maybe as a mini bud.
My next step is to start a serious hunt for more of these dishes. Imagine a dish farm with a dozen of these all as fixed dishs