Does Anyone Have Any Info On How To Get A Free Upgrade To The Hr-20 Hd Dvr From D*. I Currently Have The H20 Hidef But Now That I Got New Channels I Am Missing Alot Of Good Programing And Really Dont Want To Shell Out The Extra Cash Right Now.
Not totally true. ONUOsFan managed to get one for free. I've only been with them for a month and a half, I managed to get mine for $160 after all of their goofy credits. (FYI - my "wife" wanted me to switch back to TW Cable for their free DVR for 6 months. This can be true, but some providers are offering a year, which D* has matched before.)I know that it has to be at least six months since your last upgrade or new equipment order before they will negotiate with the price.
I know that it has to be at least six months since your last upgrade or new equipment order before they will negotiate with the price.
This part is a little tricky, I have been told that as an "A LIST" customer I am entitled to one free upgrade every 6 months. The tricky part is it is not automatic at all, If I try to upgrade on line, I am not given any choice for a free upgrade and need to call the csr, and then demand to be transferred to get the upgrade for free. In my opinion, not the smoothest way of rewarding their most loyal customers. They turn what could be a very positive event into one that leaves one scratching their head as why they would want to frustrate one by doing this.I know that it has to be at least six months since your last upgrade or new equipment order before they will negotiate with the price.
Limited time offer