yeah i know how to get music for free. or pay
just want one simple channel. lol ... i know about accuradio, newsgroups, free spotify
u know that dish owns pandora now.
but there was napster, back in days, scour exchange, direct connect, and so many other p2p.
lol rhapsody was good.
musicmatch yahoo launchcast
i can go on and on and on for hours. bearshare.
i wanna tell u something though, i happen upon this one audio channel and i like it. and i only might listen to 3 songs per week, so maybe 12 songs a month on this audio channel.
... also decentralized networks as well. hmm
or maybe listen to it once in blue moon.
dat is why i like the ability to add and drop packages. my moods change.
and one final thougth.
because of this one audio channel i like, and if they remove it from current pack i have, i am going to upgrade to a different package so i can get this one audio channel. and beside i like some of the other channel that flex has too.
so 15 channels i would watch definitely and that one audio channel.
direct tv i had in past and never will i ever have them again this is going back at least 20 years ago too.