dannsh said:
I own the 942. Bought last October. I declined the offer. I said I needed to get my moneys worth out of the 942. I said I would be willing to return my 942 if they would give me a $199 credit to my account. I pay nothing. They take my 942 for $199 and I will then lease the 622. The CSR said that would be nice but no.
As ususal it depends on who you talk to. Here's the deal I FINALLY got (keep in mind this took 3 1/2 hrs on the phone, talking to people that I HAVE TO explain to them what their promotion is).
Currently I have 2-942's. One leased, and one owned. AEP, VOOM, HD Package....full tilt boogie.....everything.
1) They take back BOTH 942's (1-leased, 1-owned), send me 2 (leased) 622's. They charged me $399.98 upfront onto my CC, but refund me $200 per machine ($400 total) when they get my 942's returned to them (they provide boxes & Pre-Paid shipping).
Resulting in FREE SWAP-OUT
2) They provide
free installation, and swap-out of dishes.
3) They change my programming package to Platinum, with ALL sd channels, and ALL hd channels available. My total cost will result in $6 per month increase above what I am paying now (the cost of the additional leased 622).

Verified and documented.
Bottom line, I get FREE (2-942's to 2-622's) swap-out, FREE installation & swap of dishes, and get ALL sd & ALL (current & future) hd programming, and I pay $6 more per month than what I'm paying now

: !
For me this is a great deal. But, because nobody at E* seems to know EXACTLY what the new promo is, this deal took me 3 1/2 hrs on the phone before I finally got with somebody that could do BOTH deals (swapping my leased 942 was not an issue, but getting them to take my owned 942 in exchage for them sending me a leased 622 was difficult because they kept saying it had to be done by a different department).
The number that make me that offer is 866-668-8047. The person that FINALLY authorized the whole deal, and made it happen was in management, but he made me promise not to give his name and number
