Limited mode is an option ... so those who want to leave well enough alone can just leave the remote in 'full function mode'. Option 1 is the least intrusive to the normal operating of the remotes - but I would add in parts of option 3.Scott Greczkowski said:1. When in limited mode, the remote will automatically change back to SAT mode after a selected time if the customer presses the TV mode button.
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Basically "turn off TV remote control" mode. Which means grabbing the TV remote or taking the E* remote out if limited mode if one wants to control the TV. Too limited.2. When in limited mode, the TV mode is "locked out" so that the customer can not inadvertently change to that mode.
Not sure exactly what that means. If you mean that all the Dish Only buttons on the remote still control the satellite reciever in any mode I'm in full agreement. But the TV buttons need to control the TV.3. When a customer selects the TV mode, all functions of the SAT mode are carried over so that TV mode functions the same as though they were in SAT mode.
bcshields said:Just make a simplified satellite only remote and give it to the old farts who can't figure out the SAT-TV mode business, and make them use their existing remotes.
Or make a code the installer can type into the standard remote to disable the TV VCR and AUX options.
"Bad old man! No universal remote for you!"
I have OTA locals (as well as the ones on Dish) plus my DVD, VCR and ATSC tuner are on CH3. I need to change TV channels.Dishdude said:Why would you want the customer to be able to go into tv mode, knock the tv off the proper channel and then have the remote go back to sat mode? Why not lock out tv mode so that this cannot happen?
I have OTA locals (as well as the ones on Dish) plus my DVD, VCR and ATSC tuner are on CH3. I need to change TV channels.Dishdude said:Why would you want the customer to be able to go into tv mode, knock the tv off the proper channel and then have the remote go back to sat mode? Why not lock out tv mode so that this cannot happen?
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