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From Dish Network (Although not officially): Remote Questions | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

From Dish Network (Although not officially): Remote Questions

I'd like for TV2 on the 522 & 942 to be IR too, not just UHF, so I can use my Harmony remote too .
I like option 2, remember this is for limited mode, something none of us would be using. This is for technically challenged people, someone who bumps TV and has no clue how to get back to SAT. These people don't want to use the dish remote to control an amp, vcr or dvd player. They want a simple to operate, foolproof remote they can change channels with and turn the TV on and off.
I have to say option #1. I have too many customers call and wonder why their tv is changing channels instead of the receiver after the cat stepped on it, stuck in couch, etc.

And as far as the it controlling a DVD player, it shouldn't, their are already enough buttons on it, if they added all the bells and whistles for a DVD player it would be a big clumsy remote.
Scott Greczkowski said:
1. When in limited mode, the remote will automatically change back to SAT mode after a selected time if the customer presses the TV mode button.
- Is this your choice?
- Why?
Limited mode is an option ... so those who want to leave well enough alone can just leave the remote in 'full function mode'. Option 1 is the least intrusive to the normal operating of the remotes - but I would add in parts of option 3.
2. When in limited mode, the TV mode is "locked out" so that the customer can not inadvertently change to that mode.
Basically "turn off TV remote control" mode. Which means grabbing the TV remote or taking the E* remote out if limited mode if one wants to control the TV. Too limited.
3. When a customer selects the TV mode, all functions of the SAT mode are carried over so that TV mode functions the same as though they were in SAT mode.
Not sure exactly what that means. If you mean that all the Dish Only buttons on the remote still control the satellite reciever in any mode I'm in full agreement. But the TV buttons need to control the TV.

I do appreciate that the TV Mute and Volume controls work in satellite mode. That trims off one of the reasons why I would ever switch into TV mode.

I think it should be left just like it is. I understand people have problems out of their remotes. On my HDTV I've got the option when the SAT/TV/VCR/AUX button is pushed it will switch over to the corresponding mode on the TV. Makes my life easier. I do agree that the Dish Home button could have an option to disable it. Only other thing I would like is that my Pioneer DVD player doesn't recognize the arrow directional buttons, but I use the DVD remote for that, but would be nice if it would work it as well.
#5 -- Make the "Dish Home" button go away.
I place my remote(s) down face-down so my cats don't step on the buttons when they climb into my chair for a visit. Since the "Home" button is *designed* to be over sensitive, I've had to open my remotes and stick small pieces of plastc wrap over those contacts. (I don't understand people who cannot figure out a four-function remote.)
I believe that the #1 choice, the remote switches back to SAT after a predetermined time would be best...

Also while they are asking about remotes.... they should do something with the 'dish home' button on the remotes... it protrudes from the remote so much that if you bump it or sit on it or whatever it goes to dish home... kinda annoying when you are watching something because it takes a minute to be able to cancel...
bcshields said:
Just make a simplified satellite only remote and give it to the old farts who can't figure out the SAT-TV mode business, and make them use their existing remotes.

Or make a code the installer can type into the standard remote to disable the TV VCR and AUX options.

"Bad old man! No universal remote for you!"

They have that, only in IR, but Dish has their EZ remote which is basically a stripped down remote with big buttons, and when you press the picture of the satellite at the top, it turns on both the tv, and receiver, and turns the tv to channel 3 (or whatever channel your tv is supposed to be on)...

there are many of old people in my area that have these and love them, plus it has cut down on my calls from people that can't figure out why their remote isn't working....

and as far as the questions go, i like option #1
Option #1 would be the best way to go. There's too many TV functions I'd have to see carried over for #3 to be a worthwhile option (creating too many conflicts). And I agree that the TV functions on the Dish remote should include all the PIP.

Here's another improvement I'd like to see: enable AUX to operate a 2nd Dish receiver (with a different address code). I have both an 811 and 508 connected to the same TV, (since Dish won't lease an HD DVR to current customers unless I beg and plead and pay $250 dollars), so it would be nice to control them both with the same remote. Any one else have this problem?
Why would you want the customer to be able to go into tv mode, knock the tv off the proper channel and then have the remote go back to sat mode? Why not lock out tv mode so that this cannot happen?
Dishdude said:
Why would you want the customer to be able to go into tv mode, knock the tv off the proper channel and then have the remote go back to sat mode? Why not lock out tv mode so that this cannot happen?
I have OTA locals (as well as the ones on Dish) plus my DVD, VCR and ATSC tuner are on CH3. I need to change TV channels.

It's nice to be able to DVR "The Daily Show" while I watch the late news live on OTA ... then when they get boring I go to the DVR and watch commercial free. Meanwhile the next event, daily recording of Jay Leno, takes over and depending on how much local news I watched I'm usually still commercial free by the end of Jay. I need to be able to watch more than just the output of my E* receivers.

IIRC they do have the dummies button on new remotes that attempts to switch the TV ON and back to the right channel. That would help after power failures (another time where someone MAY need control of their TV channel to get back to DishNetwork).

Dishdude said:
Why would you want the customer to be able to go into tv mode, knock the tv off the proper channel and then have the remote go back to sat mode? Why not lock out tv mode so that this cannot happen?
I have OTA locals (as well as the ones on Dish) plus my DVD, VCR and ATSC tuner are on CH3. I need to change TV channels.

It's nice to be able to DVR "The Daily Show" while I watch the late news live on OTA ... then when they get boring I go to the DVR and watch commercial free. Meanwhile the next event, daily recording of Jay Leno, takes over and depending on how much local news I watched I'm usually still commercial free by the end of Jay. I need to be able to watch more than just the output of my E* receivers.

IIRC they do have the dummies button on new remotes that attempts to switch the TV ON and back to the right channel. That would help after power failures (another time where someone MAY need control of their TV channel to get back to DishNetwork).

Option 1, and make the new remote look *cough* less... like the remotes you see in generic cable ads.

Hehe it'd actually be cool if you simply had a wheel to adjust volume, but I could see that costing a fortune. Backlight would be a step in the right direction, maybe even macros, that'd make me very happy.
People need to spend some time with there owners manual. People need to learn and understand how the remote works and operates there devices. There is the Dish FYI Channel that people need to watch. All else fails if you can't figure it out use a remote for each device in your system. Dish has made there system complicated enough for some people, speaking primarily about the technically challenged.
I like option 1, it provides limited access to all the functions,

but what i would really like to see is a couple of features,

1st: use a two differents button color (maybe just the letter color) to differentiate between sat button and all other button. may the sat button could look like the dish home button and make the dish home button smaller avoiding the usual accidental pressing of that button.

2nd: after the remote is program to the tv (by the experience Dish installer), the dish remote should default to whatever chanel the signal from the dish receiver is set to, not like the recover (to many steps), but the way the HD receiver and tv(dish receiver and TV) interact with each other, making the dvi input on the tv the default input.
step one
you accidently press the TV button, the channel changes and you lost the sat feed.
what you do
"simple press only one button to go back>>>>PRESS THE SAT BUTTON, the remote is set to that input and at the moment you press sat button the remote will send a the command to tv to change to that input or channel,
presto DISH is back on your screen.
Well, you didn't really explain what "limited" mode is but that doesn't really matter. Following are my replies to your questions:

1. When in limited mode, the remote will automatically change back
to SAT mode after a selected time if the customer presses the TV mode button.

- Is this your choice? NO
- Why? Anybody who is in TV mode other than making a mistake knows what he/she is doing. I use the DISH remote to change my TV channels when I'm not watching satellite. For the remote to jump back to SAT mode would be annoying indeed.

2. When in limited mode, the TV mode is "locked out" so that the
customer can not inadvertently change to that mode.

- Is this your choice? NO
- Why? Well it seems lock button which would also get pushed by mistake throwing the user out of SAT mode. If you were to recess the lock button then it would be annoying trying to unlock the other modes just to power off the TV for example.

3. When a customer selects the TV mode, all functions of the SAT
mode are carried over so that TV mode functions the same as though they
were in SAT mode.

- Is this your choice? NO
- Why? Well, if all SAT functions were carried over to TV mode then how would the same buttons control TV channels? And what would be the sense in having separate mode buttons if they all functioned the same?

Perhaps you should have an Option 4. This option would make the SAT mode button always selected. Then in order to use TV mode or one of the other modes you would first push a "shift" button or "code" button and then one of the other mode buttons. This would be easy to do and would probably cut down on hitting mode buttons by mistake as much as 99 percent. Of course, to go back to satellite the SAT mode button would have to be pushed, but anybody that diliberately went to another mode by using a two button sequence would know what they are doing anyway.
BTW, when I say "shift" button it means you would hold down that button while pushing a mode button. A "code" button means you would press then release the button and then press a mode button.
Will we be able to go into the menu and select limited on or off, or how are going to do this limited thing?

I would be nice to disable the tv mode from the menu because this is my parents worst problem. They hit the tv mode button and get it of satellite,then get the tv all screwed up while pushing other buttons before they call me.

I don't think default back to sat will work because once the tv mode is hit the damage has been done. We need a way to disable tv mode.

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