Just because someone applies doesn't mean they are granted access….we don't let everybody in due to issues and I'll note that below
Both myself & PSB look at when someone applies usually we discuss it and either approve or deny. (some applicants don't need us to converse as its pretty cut & dry..ie: hackers or newbies..theres a thread in the FTA section about that). I never saw the original application (I guess that's what it's called) so Pete might have got to that one and denied it. He probably has a reason because he wouldn't do it for gits & shiggles.
I did see one that said "iceberg let me in" which honestly rubbed me the wrong way. I try to be a nice guy but when someone bluntly says that I may not approve it. Applying multiple times only hurts someone's chance of being let in because the more they reaplly, the better the chance of automatically get denied.
On a side note--We had some issues of letting people in who didn't follow the rules (main rule we have is what is there STAYS there) and some people can't follow the rules so they got kicked out. Now they are trying to use other people to get in and get them the info (I ain't crazy…its true) : )
So now we take careful consideration when letting people in. Hope everyone understands..