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G5 Audio Mystery | SatelliteGuys.US

G5 Audio Mystery

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Supporting Founder
May 25, 2005
Hi All, This problem has me baffled. I no longer suspect my alignment is involved. I welcome any help but you're going to need your Sherlock Holmes hat for this one....

On G5, I get audio & video on all in-the-clear stations. (TBN, and the radio stations at 953/955). Signal Strength approx 72 --- fine for me.

BUT My subscription stations on G5 have almost NO audio. If I max out my volume I can hear faint crackled audio. --- Again, my signal strength is around 72 for all these channels and the video is great.

I did an NPS Videocipher (not digicipher) re-hit on CNN. The rehit took, but had no effect on my audio for that channel.

This makes no sense! If the rehit doesn't help, why would I have perfect audio on TBN and the 900+ radio stations?

I think this is a clue: I have subs from 2 packagers, NPS (abs dig) and SRL(espn + networks for football season). I added the SRL stuff in September and this dual-service setup has worked great till a couple weeks ago. Could having 2 providers on that bird have confused my videocipher hardware and shut down the audio on all subscribed channels?
BECAUSE-- I didn't say it earlier, but the problem ALSO exists on W7 & W3, where my SRL networks live!

So any bird with SRL + NPS channels has lost audio on all subbed channels. :shocked
Have you checked the audio settings in the VC module?
On a VC channel, press OPTION - 9 to pull up the VC menu.
I don't remember the rest of the options after that, so look around.
You guys are suggesting the same thing a Skyvision tech told me this morning. I'm going to test it out after work.

I didn't realize that volume settings can be set by channel/transponder.

About the time these 3 birds went silent, I DID have some short 5 second power outages. The DSR922 came right back up so I assumed I was ok. --but maybe those dropouts made the videocipher module hose my volume on those sats.

Thanks! I'll report my findings tonight.
Well, I think I've nailed the problem down.

ALL my VIDEOcipher (not digicipher) channels have lost audio. Forget G5 etc. Any satellite with VideoCipher channels have no audio.

I called NPS and they said my module probably has a battery gone bad or was hosed during my brief power outages earlier this month.

Thoughts? If this is true, is eBay the best place to grab another module?
reseated the vc2...still no audio. Guess it's time to go shopping. :(
That sucks to hear. I noticed that these VC modules are freak'n expensive to buy!

I feel lucky that mine still works.

There was a guy selling VC modules in the classifieds a little while back. I'd post a wanted ad over there.
JerryK said:
Thoughts? If this is true, is eBay the best place to grab another module?

Yes, it's true.
If you find one on ebay, make sure it has a new battery. You can find refurbished ones for less than $50.
I'll probably grab an eBay unit.

I'm seeing batteries for sale. Have any of you attempted to change the battery yourself? (soldering involved)
Did you try removing the module and cleaning the contacts and replacing it?

I have done may VCII+ boards for myself and a few for some buddy's, it is not hard though if it is not your feild I would get ATS or a tech to do it for you.
Yeah, I pulled it last night. Since I'd have to trash the VCII anyhow, I'm tempted to risk 5 bucks on a battery first.

Looks like it's soldered in there pretty simply.
If the battery is dead your unit ID would have changed, if it went dead it is to late to change the battery, once the ID is lost the unit is a door stopper.
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