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Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map | Page 16 | SatelliteGuys.US

Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

Bigger thank the greeners that have forced the system into multiple state formulations and inside that a different summer and winter blend, as opposed to one standard across all states, thus constant production year-round. Couple that with them also railroading the building of more efficient refineries over the past few decades. And never forget ridiculously high state and local taxes; some 32 to 45 cent per gallon.
It's at around $2.79 here a gallon. They are estimating it going to $3 or more a gallon by this time next week due to the summer blend switchover and shortages.

There were a few places completely out of gas this past week. It took us 4 Valero gas stations to find gas. We only go there since that's who our gas card is with.
Dallas County (and the surrounding counties) have to use a special blend for the summer driving season due to smog.

Because of this, around this time of year they have to change over for it.
Prices vary between $2.60-$2.70 per gallon for reg. unleaded in the mid TN area.
Big difference this year is the elimination of MTBE as an additive due to ground water contamination issues. Now, the refiners have to use ethanol which is more expensive (of course).

Who was it that said, "Follow the money?"
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