Spring break is almost here.$4.75 at Costco...
And it's up,$3.36-87,$4.46-D,mobil,,,$3.36-87,$4.46-D,valero
still no change since Jan.
Gasbuddy depends on individual drivers to report prices, and the entry fields all include a fixed third decimal fraction of .009. that third decimal digit is assumed. Gasbuddy Prices only change as fast as people report them, and most people only report the price for regular.Spring break is almost here.
It is interesting that Gasbuddy says that my Costco is $3.65 but Costco lists their price at $3.599. Gasbuddy seems to truncate the decimals.
This only makes sense if they display them that way.Gasbuddy depends on individual drivers to report prices, and the entry fields all include a fixed third decimal fraction of .009.
$3.759 here.$4.79 at Costco...
Limited time offer