Would have been better to buy low before the spike; thus maximizing profit; buying now may be too late..
$3.26 on monday to $3.37 on tuesday at sams club here in Athens and $50 for me to fill up most of a 17 gallon tank.
We've cut way down on our driving by combining all our errands into one day and good routing with most of the driving on the bypass. I drive to work three days a week so in total we may be driving four days out of the week and have cut down our driving considerably.
I'll fill up before I head to work this evening... I would usually wait till this set is over Tuesday Morning but... my F150 doesn't do too bad, single cab with the small V-8...Saw some gas for $3.55 and filled it up with half a tank (12 gallons). I have been filling up sooner lately as I know that gas is going to go up before my tank gets down to 1/4 tank. It sucks to have an F-150.
Limited time offer