broe.. I know how the services work.. but what I don't know if how the client communicates the proper frequencies between the genie and itself. If you reread the OP more closely you will see that it is installed correctly as the service works. what op is asking is why he cannot utilize pandora and watch live tv at the same time on a client. not that the service didn't work on the client. more information is definitely needed to clarify from op. but I am assuming based on how I interpreted his post that it is setup correctly. I still think it's tuner related. similar to how if you have a genie 3 clients and an H2X box for a total of 5 tvs... if the genie and all 3 clients are all turned on.. all 5 tuners are utilized.. if you hit list on the H2X it will error out all the recordings until one of the clients is turned off. A client will only ever utilize one tuner of a genie. an hr24 has two tuners. so in theory this could be the reason. I don't have any clients but I can test on a hr24. I'll reply in a bit as to what I recommended op try since I just got off work.twizt3dkitty. Pandora is actually an IPTV app. You have to be able to have Internet connection for the c41 or c31 clients to work. That means that the OP needs the CCK with the Hr34, and that the system is properly configured, due to they have the HR24 in the mix.
broe.. I know how the services work.. but what I don't know if how the client communicates the proper frequencies between the genie and itself. If you reread the OP more closely you will see that it is installed correctly as the service works. what op is asking is why he cannot utilize pandora and watch live tv at the same time on a client. not that the service didn't work on the client. more information is definitely needed to clarify from op. but I am assuming based on how I interpreted his post that it is setup correctly. I still think it's tuner related. similar to how if you have a genie 3 clients and an H2X box for a total of 5 tvs... if the genie and all 3 clients are all turned on.. all 5 tuners are utilized.. if you hit list on the H2X it will error out all the recordings until one of the clients is turned off. A client will only ever utilize one tuner of a genie. an hr24 has two tuners. so in theory this could be the reason. I don't have any clients but I can test on a hr24. I'll reply in a bit as to what I recommended op try since I just got off work.
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In the OP, the TS states that they can do Pandora simulcast on the HR34.I don't think this is anything to do with the client. I am pretty sure neither the HR34 or the HR44 allow you to watch programs and listen to pandora at the same time.
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