Effective Thursday, May 3, 2007, the German-language channel, German Kino Plus, will be launched in the new German Language Plus Package at the 121° and 118.7° orbital locations. The current German Language Package will no longer be available to new subscribers, but existing subscribers will be "grandfathered" at their current rate. The German Language Plus Package will contain DW-TV, EuroNews, German Kino Plus and ProSiebenSat1.Welt for $24.99 per month.* See all pricing and packaging details below.
Programming Description/Channel:
German Kino Plus
German Kino Plus is a 24 hour German Language channel featuring the best in German theatrical film, television series, classic film and documentaries. Commercial free and uncut, GKP offers you entertainment featuring the best of what Germany has to offer. Crime Series like Tatort, recent films from the highly acclaimed German film scene, classics of German cinema, along with travel and historical documentaries. German Kino Plus, Mehr Als Nur Fernsehen!
Channel - 724
Call Letters - GKINO
Satellites - 121° and 118.7° orbital
German Kino Plus will be available in the following options:
German Language Plus Package
(DW-TV, EuroNews, German Kino Plus, ProSiebenSat.1 Welt)
German Kino Plus A-La-Carte
*Customers who do not subscribe to DishFAMILY, AT100, AT100 Plus, AT200, AT250, America's "Everything" Pak, DISH Latino, DISH Latino Dos, DISH Latino Max, Latino "Everything" Pak or Great Wall TV Package will be charged a $6.00 per month Service Access Fee.
Programming Description/Channel:
German Kino Plus
German Kino Plus is a 24 hour German Language channel featuring the best in German theatrical film, television series, classic film and documentaries. Commercial free and uncut, GKP offers you entertainment featuring the best of what Germany has to offer. Crime Series like Tatort, recent films from the highly acclaimed German film scene, classics of German cinema, along with travel and historical documentaries. German Kino Plus, Mehr Als Nur Fernsehen!
Channel - 724
Call Letters - GKINO
Satellites - 121° and 118.7° orbital
German Kino Plus will be available in the following options:
German Language Plus Package
(DW-TV, EuroNews, German Kino Plus, ProSiebenSat.1 Welt)
German Kino Plus A-La-Carte
*Customers who do not subscribe to DishFAMILY, AT100, AT100 Plus, AT200, AT250, America's "Everything" Pak, DISH Latino, DISH Latino Dos, DISH Latino Max, Latino "Everything" Pak or Great Wall TV Package will be charged a $6.00 per month Service Access Fee.