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Glorystar Dual LNB Upgrade Kit | SatelliteGuys.US

Glorystar Dual LNB Upgrade Kit

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Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
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Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
If you have a Glorystar system aimed at AMC4 for 3ABN, Hope or LBN, wouldn't it be nice to get the other religious channels on IA5? If you've visited Satelliteguys before, you know a few of us have been able to get 2 satellites on one dish but some of our ways to make it work are interesting. Hose clamps, duct tape, zip ties seem to be the norm to hold them together and the weaker transponders won't come in or at a very weak signal. Wouldn't it be nice to get both satellites and still have a professional look and not take up half your day trying to get the LNB to stay correctly while you tighten the clamp?

Enter the Glorystar Upgrade Kit

The upgrade kit comes with everything you need to get both Glorystar satellites (IA5 and AMC4). There is a 4 degree holder that allows you to get both satellites by skewing the holder. Until recently, I have never seen one of these mainly because nobody else makes them. The holder also makes both LNB's 2 degree offset from dead center so you can optimize signal on both satellites. The LNB's are included. Now there has been LNB's on the market that say "small". But these LNB's blow away any other LNB on size. These things are TINY. The combination of the small LNB's and the 4 degree bracket will allow you to get both satellites with very good results. Also included is 2 short cables and a Diseqc switch. Now this will only work on the dishes that have the Azure Shine stamp on the elevation bracket. This includes Geosatpro & SatRadar dishes. The reason being if you try this on a different dish, the focal length of the arm is different so it won't work. I've tried it on another 90cm dish and I got 0 for signal.

On the holder there is a skew just like any multi LNB setup would have. I went to the Glorystar site and got the info that I would need. You actually aim the dish at 99 so if you currently have the dish aimed at AMC4 you will have to reaim the dish. Since my true south is 93, I knew my skew wouldn't be much. After punching in the numbers, the skew for my area is +5. So on the bracket you skew it for +5. The skew numbers are in increments of 5 so I went to the first line. Made the adjustment on the dish to 38 and attached the dual LNB holder, hooked up the cables to the LNB's and diseqc and we are set to go.

For me, the first issue was mounting the dish to the mast. The only mast I had available on my current dish setup was too big so the dish wouldn't fit on that mast. I didn't want to put up an additional mast right now so I decided to be innovative. I backed the truck out of the garage and mounted the mast to the bumper of the truck. Leveled out the mast and mounted the dish. The kit also comes with a little bubble level that fits in the top of the mast. Made sure that the mast was level and hooked up the receiver. I decided to use my trusty Pansat 1500. The directions say to lock on AMC4 first so I brought up 3ABN transponder which is very strong and would allow me to get in the ballpark. Aimed the dish and within 10 seconds I had a 90 quality on 3ABN. This made me happy as the dish elevation bracket is true and not off by a degree or two. Tweaked the elevation and boom 99 on 3ABN. Checked out the other 2 transponders on AMC4 and on Hope channel I was at 88-90 and LLBN (the "weakest" of the three) was at 73-75. So AMC4 is locked. Now to check IA5. I punched up IA5 and didn't have any signal ona couple of the TP's and the strongest (12177) was very low. So I adjusted the LNB for IA5 by pushing it in closer to the dish. Right away I noticed results as 12177 (the "main" transponder) was up to 73 but the other 2 transponders were low (around 30). The neat part about the bracket is you can make adjustments right in the holder. You can skew the LNB or move it closer or farther away with no issues. I skewed it a little and was able to get the other 2 transponders around 55. The problem is the meter on the Pansat is very spazmastic so the pictures show the quality lower than it really is. When I hooked it up to my Fortec Ultra the numbers were a solid 55-60 on those 2 transponders (the Fortec seems to read a smidge higher than the Pansat). I feel with a little more tweaking I could get the numbers on IA5 a little higher but it was pretty windy that day so the dish did move a little bit as I working on it.

The neat part of the holder is it will work with any 2 satellites that are 4 degrees apart. So you could use it for say IA6 & IA5 or AMC2 & IA8 as examples.

I checked it out against my motorized dish to see the difference in the signals. The first number is the Glorystar system. The second is the motorized dish

3ABN (11822) 99 99
Hope (11983) 88 90
LLBN (12020) 76 74

IA5 (Galaxy 25)
The Old Path (11873) 55 60
Word/Miracle (11966) 55 63
TBN/JCTV (12177) 73 75

So all and all the dual LNB setup works almost as good as motorized setup and I don't have to wait for the dish to move.

All and all I am VERY impressed with the setup and very happy I was able to check this out. Once I got everything built and the numbers adjusted on the LNB and the dish, it took me maybe 10 minutes to get everything locked in and see the results. Even if you are not really technical savvy, its pretty easy to set up and get it working.
The setup can be ordered at


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a bit confused

in order to get all 32 glorystar stations do I need the dual lnb? what if i just buy the basic package?

now I already am a lifer w/SA. My question is how do I switch back and forth between boxes/satellites) I only have 1 tv so separate tvs isn't an option
Glorystar now offers reception of over 40 Christian channels. In order to receive all channels, the dish needs to be pointed at two satellites. You could use either a motorized dish, or a dish with multiple LNBFs.

All Glorystar Christian satellite systems now include the two satellite solution as reviewed by Iceberg as part of the basic package at no additional charge.

The main advantage to this dual LNBF solution is instant channel changes and ease of aiming without needing to experiment with adjustable brackets that cannot allow the LNBFs to be mounted close enough for optimal reception due to the bracket design.

Our receivers have a built-in A/B switch that allows your current Sky Angel receiver or any television signal to loop through the Glorystar receiver. When you want to watch a Glorystar channel simply turn on the Glorystar receiver. When you want to watch your current channels just turn off the Glorystar receiver and these channels will appear on your TV just like they do now!
now I already am a lifer w/SA. My question is how do I switch back and forth between boxes/satellites) I only have 1 tv so separate tvs isn't an option

Pretty much the same way you do now with having your receiver, DVD player, VCR, etc. Connect each to a different input on the TV.

So Sky Angel on Video 1, Glorystar on Video 2, DVD on Video 3, etc. Then you simply switch the input on your TV. My TV has 5 different inputs and actually I have my Yamaha A/V receiver that has 4 inputs on it so I could connect 8 different things to my TV and switch between then with the press of a button.

Or you can do what was suggested above, whichever works best for you.
UpGrading your Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra

The Following is NOT Supported By Glorystar Satellite Systems.

  • Press Menu.
  • Press Right Arrow.
  • Press Ok On Antenna Setup.
  • Press Ok on AMC4.
  • Set LNBF Type to Standard.
  • Set LNBF Frequency to 10750.
  • Set 22khz to Off
  • Set DiSEqC to #1
  • Press Exit.
  • Press Ok to Save Settings.
  • Arrow Up to IA 5/Ku.
  • Press Ok.
  • Set LNB Type to Standard.
  • Set LNB Local-Freq. to 10750.
  • Set 22khz to On
  • Set DiSEqC to #2
  • Set TP to 12177 V 23.000
  • Aim the Dish to Get the Signal Quality up to 80% or Above.
  • Press Exit.
  • Press Ok To Save Settings.
  • Press Exit.
  • Arrow Down to Power Scan.
  • Press Ok.
  • Choose IA 5/Ku
  • Arrow Down to Scan.
  • Set Scan to FTA.
  • Press Ok and the Scan will begin.
  • When the Scan Finishes, You should have all of the Channels that are on the IA5/Ku Satellite.
  • Press Menu.
  • Press Right Arrow Twice.
  • Press Ok on TV Channel.
  • Arrow Down to Delete.
  • Press Ok.
  • Set Delete to One Ch.(OneChannel)
  • Highlight the Channels you do not want and Press Ok on them.
  • Press Exit when you are Finished.
I dont understand the point of the post, but OK. Whatever

There is one minor error

  • Arrow Up to IA 5/Ku.
  • Press Ok.
  • Set LNB Type to Standard.
  • Set LNB Local-Freq. to 10750.
  • Set 22khz to On
  • Set DiSEqC to #2

if the diseqc is port 2, then you do not turn the 22k on. The 22k is only for Universal LNB's (which the Glorystar system uses Standard LNB's) or if you use a 22k switch (Glorystar system uses a diseqc switch)
Yea, I'm not sure either. Any of these Glorystar channels are FTA and available with *any* FTA dish and *any* FTA receiver.

What the Glorystar package deal is, is an easy to install system for those that *only* want the Glorystar channels. Little old ladies want these religious channels too and them going into the FTA world just isn't going to happen. They need something more "plug it in and I can watch" like cable, DirecTV or Dish. Glorystar is attempting to get as close to that as possible. Plus Glorystar offers technical support for people just like Dish or DirecTV.

The bonus is that the equipment you get with Glorystar (unlike many other religious providers I've seen) is top notch stuff and can easily be converted to a regular FTA system with little effort.
I have all the LNBF brackets and even the cheapie eBay knock-offs and none of them work that well with non-DBS services.
The Glorystar multi-LNBF bracket, and purpose-built LNBFs that come with Glorystar's system are the very best I've found and are perfect for 4-degree spacing.
Dual LNB & Motorized?

A question for Iceberg or other FTA technical guru:

In another post, it was mentioned that there are a handful of 4º satellite pairs. I was wondering if there is a way to use the motor to swing an FTA dish among 4º satellite pairs. If so, how would it be done?

A question for Iceberg or other FTA technical guru:

In another post, it was mentioned that there are a handful of 4º satellite pairs. I was wondering if there is a way to use the motor to swing an FTA dish among 4º satellite pairs. If so, how would it be done?


its possible but really not practical. Main reason is the LNB's on the dual upgrade kit are both 2 degrees off centre. SO when you aim the dish for the Glorystar system (97/101) you actually aim at 99. SO on a motorized you'd have to aim it at a satellite between the two to work.

Thanks for the response.

I went back and re-read your post and realized I had misread the part about the signal levels. For some reason I had read that the dual bracket gave nearly the same levels as a motorized setup. The AMC4 numbers looked pretty good, but I there is a definite drop on IA5.

Those bullet LNBs may be nice and small, but they still don't solve the trade-off when not in the prime focus position!

LNBF position

I am ordering this package. How do I set the LNB for AMC4 Vs IA5. Which one goes to the right when Facing the dish.

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welcome :wave

If you are standing in front of the dish, the LNB for 101 is on the right. When working with multiple LNB's, they go backwards than what they are in the sky.

In the below picture, the closer LNB is 101 and the farther one is 97


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welcome :wave

If you are standing in front of the dish, the LNB for 101 is on the right. When working with multiple LNB's, they go backwards than what they are in the sky.

In the below picture, the closer LNB is 101 and the farther one is 97

Thanks for the quick help but I have a question. I have my coordinates and they are as follows.
AMC4(101 West) Azimutal =151.8 and elevation 48.1
Galaxy25 (97 West) Azimutal=145.8 qnd elevation 46.1 (San Diego Ca)

Therefore, due to parabolic nature of the Dish, like you mentioned, shouldn't 101 be on the left and 97 on the right?
Therefore, due to parabolic nature of the Dish, like you mentioned, shouldn't 101 be on the left and 97 on the right?

Iceberg is correct in the location of the LNB's - as you face the dish - the 101 LNB is on the right and the 97 LNB is on the left.

When you stand behind the dish, AMC 4 satellite(101W) is to the right of the G25 satellite (97W) in the sky. The dish reverses the satellite beams such that the 101 LNB is now on the left (still from behind the dish looking south) and the 97 LNB is on the right.
So if I wanted to toy with FTA would this be a good route to go? Appears gear is good from the posts. So I can later on add motor to get more channels? What do you guys think. I'm curious to see what is out there.

So if I wanted to toy with FTA would this be a good route to go? Appears gear is good from the posts. So I can later on add motor to get more channels? What do you guys think. I'm curious to see what is out there.


I'd say yes. The Glorystar equipment you get is all quality FTA gear that you would probably consider for a "regular" FTA setup. And honestly, this is a regular FTA setup but what you get is a receiver that is per-programmed with the Glorystar religious channels and their support (if needed). But you can scan for new channels any time and if you like international channels there are a ton of them on AMC4 and GA25.

Later on you can easily add a motor and go with a single LNB and get the range of FTA channels.
Okay. I plan to buy the glorystar set up soon. I hope to install it myself. I have a clear line of sight. I just need to get it done.

I have comcast cable tv now. I used to have dish regular tv, and dominion sky angel. After sky angel goes off the air at the end of this month I would have to subscribe to dish to keep getting 3ABN on dish, but I can't afford to pay dish and comcast at the same time.

Hope this makes sense

Darryl in Houston
Okay. I plan to buy the glorystar set up soon. I hope to install it myself. I have a clear line of sight. I just need to get it done.
sounds like a plan :)

After sky angel goes off the air at the end of this month I would have to subscribe to dish to keep getting 3ABN on dish
why get it second hand from Dish? On Glorystar 3ABN is on there (AMC4 at 101W) and thats from the source so the picture is better. (Dish gets the signal from AMC4 and recompresses it and sends it up) Plus you get 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Radio & Radio 74
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