The only thing messing with my mind is the Dr Nygma character. Yes, I know he will become the Riddler, but the problem is he reminds me way too much of the guy who played Scarecrow in the Dark Knight trilogy. Same glasses, similar look. Not a big deal, but it confuses me.
I haven't gotten that feeling. The Scarecrow is a much darker and disturbed character. The Riddler is represented well I think.
Holy cow is this a GREAT series. Stylistically, I don't think anyone could do a better job at capturing the comic book look and feel...the sets, shots, colors, and framing perfect recreations of a comic book panel. I watched this week's episode twice today: once for the story, the second time to look at the way it was shot, framed and blocked! Whoever was the DoP and cinematographer needs to be nominated for Emmies!
When it comes to the story, it is 100% comic book. ...simplistic, but not silly. ...sinister, dark and foreboding but with rays of light to show that not all is lost. Today's story was engrossing and with enough twists to make me cackle with excitement and laughter. The presentation, with two major exceptions, was just predictable enough to pretty much know what was coming the next second, but not so predictable to bore me. The two exceptions were total surprises from left field, but yet still within the scope of comic-book credulity.
Some may find this episode lacking, but it is, IMHO a perfect "middle" episode. It moves the season story arc along quite nicely.
I like it too. I never thought I would care or like Jim Gordon as a character ,but I do. He is obviously what helps develop Batman's future personality, by his influence during Bruce's childhood.I swear I had a nerdgasm last night. The story is so well written... the development of Penguin, Bruce, and Jim is just so good! I was giddy watching the show. I can't believe how much I like this show!
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