Leaves are blocking my feed from sat 119 (all other sats have high readings)
I found this on this on the DirecTV forum
Re: error message 920
Apr 4, 2009
this is a response from my field supervisor regarding the 920 problem, hope it helps
Due to the slight increase regarding the "920 Error" OSD emails and phone calls I've received, I thought I would provide some information regarding this issue and what techs should look for/do when encountering it.
This hasn't been reported (to me anyway) as a widespread issue, but perhaps you have, or will encounter it, so here is some background and additional information behind this error.
This OSD was implemented because engineering realized there were techs installing an SL-5 with no LOS for 119° and the customers were continuing to have problems, including random reboots, until the LOS issue was resolved or an SL-3 was installed.
This is not a software problem; It's a hardware (bad network tuner), configuration (setting the IRD to an SL-3 when it's not an SL-3) or signal (119°) issue.
Some techs think if an install is an SL-5 and there is no LOS for 119° they can fix it by setting the HRxx / R22 to an SL-3; that will not work since the ODU is still diplexing signals the same as always.
Techs should troubleshoot as per the "data feed"
Make sure Techs are running the system test. If the install has good 119° signal, but they still get the "920 Error", run the system test to make sure that the "_DATA FEED"_ passes. CSR's are supposed to run the system test but may not in some cases, which results with an onsite tech (Service Call).