Cant get mine to come up; do i need to do a restart after connecting the CAT6 or a speacial code entry?
Cant get mine to come up; do i need to do a restart after connecting the CAT6 or a speacial code entry?
Did you do the keyword search? IAMANEDGECUTTER
Also, I just recorded something on the HR21 and it doesn't show up in the H21 list right away? Shows I had recorded earlier today are showing up fine.
If anyone's having a problem with the network connection check to see if your MAC address is all FF's. If it is that's not good, over at the DBSTalk chat room they say the receiver needs to be replaced for what it's worth.
In watching today's NASCAR race, about half of the commercials were missing part of their audio. Specifically, the background sounds of the commercials, including sound effects, came through, but the main person speaking was not audible. For example, the ATT wireless commercial with the guy battling the BBQ grill fire gone bad, I got all the sound effects but none of the speaker's audio. (Which I thought was particularly ironic considering the product they were pushing.)
Any info we can provide the engineers will help as they tweak MRV.
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