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H21-200 CE Release 11/14 0x429F | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

H21-200 CE Release 11/14 0x429F

If anyone's having a problem with the network connection check to see if your MAC address is all FF's. If it is that's not good, over at the DBSTalk chat room they say the receiver needs to be replaced for what it's worth.
as of right now if I fast toward at x3, I receive unable to play media

Report number 20081115-3550
Did you do the keyword search? IAMANEDGECUTTER

That was it; after entering the code it took a few minutes before it would "see" the main DVR unit, but it is there and does work. Although I do not get the extra HDD space and 2 additional tuners (so far I have not needed either), this saved me any out of pocket expense to have another unit in the bedroom to view recordings and that is worth it.
Also, I just recorded something on the HR21 and it doesn't show up in the H21 list right away? Shows I had recorded earlier today are showing up fine.

Just as a follow-up to my last comment, I let the receiver set all night and this morning it still would not show the new program in the playlists on my H21. I checked my playlists on the DIRECTV2PC and the new show pops up just fine. Not sure why it works on one and not the other. If anyone else runs into this problem and finds a cure please pass it along. Thank you.

1. on 1st attempt it tried then closed the show and then said unable to access media.

2. I restarted the show

3. I was able to 30slip

4. I setup 30skip and was able to do that

5. I was then also able to FFW

6. I am performing a reset to see if that removes deleted shows and adds new shows to the remote unit
I did a restart myself and all of the shows popped up for me as well. Thanks for the info Charper. Kind of a pain just to get a program to pop up, but well worth it. Just having the ethernet and usb enabled on the H21 is fantastic.
I am not sure if I will continue to perform resets, but at least we now know. I agree on the net ability of the H21. I used the MRV for 2 movies last night; Cocaine Cowboys and Shoot em Up. I also used the hell out of the media share to play through all my MP3s on my PC on the office into my bedroom. Since I am in a company rental right now I have no stand-alone stero, or MP3 device in there so this fits the bill!
If anyone's having a problem with the network connection check to see if your MAC address is all FF's. If it is that's not good, over at the DBSTalk chat room they say the receiver needs to be replaced for what it's worth.

If a receiver is missing the MAC address, it is a manufacturing issue that cannot be fixed without total replacement. Essentially, it means the network card didn't get a unique mac number, which is needed for any networking.

This should be very rare, I hope. Possibly a small bad lot or something :confused:
In watching today's NASCAR race, about half of the commercials were missing part of their audio. Specifically, the background sounds of the commercials, including sound effects, came through, but the main person speaking was not audible. For example, the ATT wireless commercial with the guy battling the BBQ grill fire gone bad, I got all the sound effects but none of the speaker's audio. (Which I thought was particularly ironic considering the product they were pushing.)
In watching today's NASCAR race, about half of the commercials were missing part of their audio. Specifically, the background sounds of the commercials, including sound effects, came through, but the main person speaking was not audible. For example, the ATT wireless commercial with the guy battling the BBQ grill fire gone bad, I got all the sound effects but none of the speaker's audio. (Which I thought was particularly ironic considering the product they were pushing.)

That sounds like your local station wasn't handling switching off/on DD5.1 audio and not a problem with your DVR.
Finally got to try this out last night. I watched three one hour shows. During the watching of the first two show, the HR unit was recording at the same time here are some of the things I noticed...

1) Any time a new show was added to the playlist, the H21 unit had to be reset to see it in the play list. A very annoying problem.
2) The first show didn't seem to have any problems. Towards the end I got a "Unable to access receiver" error. I restarted the program with resume and started right were it left off. The error occured during a 30sec slip/skip
3) The second show had many problems with audio drop outs. I haven't checked the recording on the main HR system yet, but I've never experience what I did last night on the HR units. Seems that after I would pause two to three times, things would be fine. After a skip forward or backwards, audio drop outs would occur again. Never saw the "Unable to access receiver".
4) The last show was off the same channel as the first. Audio was fine, but I did notice a few drop outs, but nothing like the second show. Also saw more video breakup than I've ever seem on the HR unit. Not terrible, but noticeable. I again saw the "Unable to access receiver" like in the first show. It happened in the first 15 minutes of playback and during a 30sec skip/slip. I resumed and every thing was fine.

So, what I see needs to happen in future releases.
1) Address the issue of the static playlist. Once it received from the HR unit the first time, it never seems to update.
2) What's with the "Unable to access receiver" issue?
3) Audio drop outs
4) As mentioned before, it would be nice to have a better way to define the HR units name for the list
5) Also as mentioned before, it takes a while before the HR media is displayed in the list. There is no way to know / tell the unit to search for media servers.
It's going to take some time, this is the first try guys.

If you can, add in what channel / program you had the problem with audio stuttering. Also, make sure it wasn't recording / playing on the Hr2x at the time?

Any info we can provide the engineers will help as they tweak MRV.
Any info we can provide the engineers will help as they tweak MRV.

And don't forget to sent those error reports via the Misc Options menu from both the client and server when having problems, the more data they have to work with the better.

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