I didn't get the PS2 in it's first year on the market but I did get it for Christmas the following year. I would have been in 8th grade at the time. I knew my parents were getting it for me and I knew they kept all our Christmas presents in their closet.
I was such a little bastard back then that I would actually take the PS2 out of the box whenever me and my sister were home alone and package it back up before they got home from work. Let me tell you, it's not easy for a kid to actually get a console back in the box and make it look right but I had it down before Christmas that year.
They got me NBA Street with the system. I basically played that game and the demo disc that came in the PS2 box all day every day for my entire Christmas break that year. By the time I actually opened it on Christmas day I had pretty much done everything there was to do in that game.
I never got caught either. The game was out of it's plastic wrapping and I had thrown away some of the plastic that came inside the PS2 box but I had everything in it's proper place inside the styrofoam every night. My parents didn't know enough about games to notice that anything had changed.