gutter said:DarrellP....I believe you. Sean wanted us to give feedback to the engineers and I think that we have done that very well. However, it would be nice for the opposite feedback from VOOM.
If it wasn't for the fact that many of you also have been dissappointed, I would have thrown my set out the window. (not really) The comment about it looking somewhere between SD and HDlite I think is a fair and fits my observation to a "T."
DarrellP said:Digital is digital, regardless of how it's received. The bits do not reorganize themselves into a different pattern based on how you receive the signal. I am in the Pacific NW using a 24" dish and though it is raining cats and dogs this morning, my signal strength remains around 84. The signal will NOT degrade until it reaches 72 where it starts breaking up.
I still hold to my belief that those having no issues are new to HD or just ignorant of what they are seeing. There's nothing wrong with that, it just makes Voom believe they have a great picture if people are posting that and they do not have a great picture ALL THE TIME. It varies all over the board and has not been consistent lately.
Patrick, I like your idea. Scott should have a live chat just for this purpose and we can all tune in the same channel and report back what we see.
What do you say Scott, can you arrange a live chat for this purpose?
:clap Great post, I was ROTFLMAO at this one.riffjim4069 said:It is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied...Bullsh!t!
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