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HBO/Cinemax and Non W5 services To Be Deauthorized December 29th | Page 4 | SatelliteGuys.US

HBO/Cinemax and Non W5 services To Be Deauthorized December 29th

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I really think the FCC needs to step in and force them to offer something reasonable without a contract to those of us that live outside the reach of cable. Even if it's special plans where you must prove you can't get cable or something.

I don't want the FCC to even exist, let alone do what you propose. I see a post a couple back complaining how the companies charge a late fee if you are late with payment.......Really? How about just paying on time then. We have become whiners who expect the Government to ensure or subsidize what we want.
There is a reason for contracts. Are you willing to pay for the equipment up front then in lieu of a contract? (Much as the cell companies) Or pay more for month to month as you do with many home heating companies? And when I see someone wants the Government to step in to make something cost less, that can mean only one thing. The rest of us will pay more.
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I don't want the FCC to even exist, let alone do what you propose. I see a post a couple back complaining how the companies charge a late fee if you are late with payment.......Really? How about just paying on time then. We have become whiners who expect the Government to ensure or subsidize what we want.
There is a reason for contracts. Are you willing to pay for the equipment up front then in lieu of a contract? (Much as the cell companies) Or pay more for month to month as you do with many home heating companies? And when I see someone wants the Government to step in to make something cost less, that can mean only one thing. The rest of us will pay more.

The FCC does more good than harm, I just wish the National Broadband Plan would get rolled out faster.

How about just disconnecting service instead of leaving it on and charging a late fee? That's how it is with SRL, if I one can't pay before services expire they're just turned off until one can pre pay for more. That's how they should all be. With automated online websites it don't cost the companies anything to allow it, they just rather make more money with late fees and contract termination fees.

Not everyone lives in a ideal world with a months income in the bank to act as a buffer to pay things by their due date, some have to wait for their monthly pay to arrive in the bank BEFORE they can pay their bills ESPECIALLY in today's economy.

Yes, I am more than willing to go buy a dish and receiver at a store and install it myself and pre pay monthly for services just like we did back in the USSB/DirecTV days in the late 90's.

I think you're in the minority on this.
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I don't really have any credit because I've never had the opportunity to establish any, will they take a 6 year letter of credit from my cell phone provider (which I did not have to pay anything up front BTW)? It's just not worth it for me for the price. I need a basic HD line up that includes TBS, USA, Spike, and all Discoveries for under $48/mo with no contract.

When I called Direct they wanted to keep checking my credit before really talking. They wanted my SS # I told them no way. They told me they wanted at least $200.00 to hold up front to continue. Finally the guy said he could check my credit by using my home address. I said fine. He put me on hold. Then when he came back he said I had excellent credit (no kidding, helps paying your mortgage on time even if you don't eat much that month) Then he gave me the extra $5.00 off to $24.99 for Choice and wanted to set up the install. I also had to jump through hoops to get that extra $5.00 to stick starting on my first bill after sign up. Lots of BS for nothing that I never had with C band.

As far as the channels you want, no contract and that price, it won't happen. And guess what the pizza guys care less if you buy or not. My way or the highway. I tried really hard to get around the contract too and found out I was barking up the wrong tree. That contract is their way of screwing you in case something don't go their way. Your credit or bank debit card number is on file and they will charge it in a heart beat. Now do you see why I get bent over the contract B.S. We don't know where this poor economy is going and may be out of work tomorrow. I know having my own business it's feast of famine. Things are slow people don't have money to spend which means you have to give away the store sometimes to make ends meet. And these damn program providers are holding a hatchet over your head like the mortgage company and the oil mongers. C band is fair you call the shots and if things get lean you shut it off for a while then light it back up when cash flow gets better, not with pizza. It's do or die, Not everyone has a disposable income to play these games with these creditors. I hope and pray that C band gets going well again, this is why I'm investing my time and efforts for it so much. C band was created by the little guy fighting for our rights. I'm following this plan the forefathers of the big dish followed and worked. Big Dish Forever!
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When I called Direct they wanted to keep checking my credit before really talking. They wanted my SS # I told them no way. They told me they wanted at least $200.00 to hold up front to continue. Finally the guy said he could check my credit by using my home address. I said fine. He put me on hold. Then when he came back he said I had excellent credit (no kidding, helps paying your mortgage on time even if you don't eat much that month) Then he gave me the extra $5.00 off to $24.99 for Choice and wanted to set up the install. I also had to jump through hoops to get that extra $5.00 to stick starting on my first bill after sign up. Lots of BS for nothing that I never had with C band.

As far as the channels you want, no contract and that price, it won't happen. And guess what the pizza guys care less if you buy or not. My way or the highway. I tried really hard to get around the contract too and found out I was barking up the wrong tree. That contract is their way of screwing you in case something don't go their way. Your credit or bank debit card number is on file and they will charge it in a heart beat. Now do you see why I get bent over the contract B.S. We don't know where this poor economy is going and may be out of work tomorrow. I know having my own business it's feast of famine. Things are slow people don't have money to spend which means you have to give away the store sometimes to make ends meet. And these damn program providers are holding a hatchet over your head like the mortgage company and the oil mongers. C band is fair you call the shots and if things get lean you shut it off for a while then light it back up when cash flow gets better, not with pizza. It's do or die, Not everyone has a disposable income to play these games with these creditors. I hope and pray that C band gets going well again, this is why I'm investing my time and efforts for it so much. C band was created by the little guy fighting for our rights. I'm following this plan the forefathers of the big dish followed and worked. Big Dish Forever!

Heh, I pay my bills on time but none of them report to credit. Rent, Electric Coop, SprintPCS, Windstream DSL Internet, USAA Auto Insurance. None of them report good payment history to credit.
Funny I didn't have to pay Sprint a deposit or anything when I signed up with them over 6 years ago.

I think the two mini dish providers need to start sub companies that offer pre-paid service like all the cell phone companies now offer. GoPhone? Why not a GoDirect or GoDish service?

I don't mind the post billing, it's just the contract, in today's unstable economy I need to be able to cancel at any time. TV is the first bill I let go when things get tight so it's imperative that it's not on a contract.

What happens if I go to Best Buy and buy a basic HD Receiver for I think it was $99 or $199 and bring it home and install it myself and call to activate? Are they still going to want $300?
HBO etc

I'm not much of a conspiracy nut, but knowing how alot of these large corporations are tied at the top, I feel like they've been doing all they can to get p eople to buy pizza. Maybe after the pizza sale runs are over, they'll open the access to the stuff theyre blocking that are still on c-band back up to feed off the stubborn ones who are left.
...I need a basic HD line up that includes TBS, USA, Spike, and all Discoveries for under $48/mo with no contract.

You can almost do that, but "all Discoveries" is the deal breaker. Dish Network's AT120 includes TBS, USA, Spike, Discovery, and TLC (all available in HD)... but none of the other Discovery channels.

You can buy a VIP211K receiver & HD dish on Flebay for around $150 to $160. The AT120 pkg is $39.99 per month, then you can pay a "one time" fee of $99 for HD for Life.

You can set all this up to have paper billing, paid in advance. The CSR will likely push for a free install & a contract, but stay firm. In fact, you're probably better off already having the equipment bought & installed before you ever call them. That way, they'll be less pushy about wanting to take you down a road that you don't want to go down.

The one big "kicker" about this route... if you let your service lapse, you'll lose that "one time" fee of $99 for HD. Meaning that if you want to restart service, you'd have to pay that again. Of course, if you know in advance that you're gonna be wishy-washy about keeping the service, you could just pay an extra $10 a month for HD (instead of the one time $99)... but that puts you a buck 99 over your target.

Of course, if you're really really firm about wanting the other Discovery channels, then none of this matters to you anyway. I really like the Military & Science channels myself... but no way I'm paying the $64.99 for the AT250. I'll be very interested in how the Discovery Networks pan out for DCII. Short of going ITC on FTA or a "free preview" from Chuck, I won't be getting them.

But once all the expense of the equipment & HD for life is done... you really can have a $39.99 per month bill with no contracts.

I am about sick of all these big companies we deal with on a daily basis...Pizza services are overly high priced and always have been "cable on a stick" promotional deals that are strictly designed to mislead consumers. Just like the "no money down" mortgage loans that helped screw the economy ....people getting things they know they can't pay for but just riding the ride until they can't hang on anymore.

The cell phone companies are the absolute worst...all of them...All their if, ands, and buts. None of those corporations can give you a straight up anything that is simple to understand and use. Now our home DSL internet service Frontier Net (formerly verizon DsL) is going to put a 5 GB data cap on our usage here and charge us extra if we go over... Goodbye Frontier!!! I will activate my Virgin Mobile MIFI prepaid unlimited broadband card. i can get unlimited 40.00 per month 3G data. Hey or better yet...i can go to our local restaurants like mcdonalds and fazoli's or steak escape and check my email or ebay buys.

As long as consumers keep the "i have to have it attitude"...these companies will continue to milk the very life out of your wallets and savings. The kids now days feel ashamed if they don't pack an Iphone or Droid to school. Unlimited text packages are 20.00 or so...WTF?...text uses very little data...text should be part of the data plan.

i have made some serious changes to my lifestyle in the past year. You would be surprised at the things you can do without and not miss them even though you think you would be lost without.

i found that i am less stressed by not dealing with all that stuff and i actually feel like going and visiting family and friends in person..not on facebook or text messages.

at the end of the month you may have something left to save or some money to fix something up instead of making some fat cat richer.

Another thing i recommend to people i care about is TURN OFF any national news channels. I know people have preferences and consider their choice "fair and balanced" or whatever. NOT ONE national news channel is either fair or balanced and they all have an agenda...that agenda is to bring you down, make you feel stressed, make you feel hopeless, over things you have no control or choice in the matter, and cannot change if you wanted to. They all use repitition and brainswashing to make you feel tired and lethargic. All they do is preach how somebody is at war with somebody else and how the world is going to end because of global warming or some other scare mongering propaganda. I got news for everybody..the world is not ending anytime soon and you will feel better muting out those people.

concentrate on good news you see with your own eyes...go make some good news by fixing a drippy faucet for your elderly neigbor and she gives you a homemade dinner for doing it or if you see somebody broke down them change their tire....thats what good news is!
Did Dish network cancel the prepay program? That was the only way around a contract I think with dish.

"The DishNOW/DishYA Pre-Paid program has ended. Existing customers please call 1-888-347-4132 to continue DISH Network service."
Heh, I pay my bills on time but none of them report to credit. Rent, Electric Coop, SprintPCS, Windstream DSL Internet, USAA Auto Insurance. None of them report good payment history to credit.
Funny I didn't have to pay Sprint a deposit or anything when I signed up with them over 6 years ago.

I think the two mini dish providers need to start sub companies that offer pre-paid service like all the cell phone companies now offer. GoPhone? Why not a GoDirect or GoDish service?

I don't mind the post billing, it's just the contract, in today's unstable economy I need to be able to cancel at any time. TV is the first bill I let go when things get tight so it's imperative that it's not on a contract.

What happens if I go to Best Buy and buy a basic HD Receiver for I think it was $99 or $199 and bring it home and install it myself and call to activate? Are they still going to want $300?

I never said you didn't pay your bills on time. What Direct, Dish, Comcast, and many more today do is run a credit check to see your credit score. If you never established credit you won't show up so your a risk. Thats why they want the $300.00 up front. Even if you go to best buy and get the receiver, which BTW Direct still owns and is leasing to you (Even though you payed Best Buy for it) You enter into a 2 year contract and I'm almost positive they still will want the $300.00 or a good credit score. It's a crock of s##t I know but thats how they run these businesses. They won't go with pre pay because they can make more money by sucking in the sucker with the teaser rate and then extorting money from them when they can't pay besides ruining there credit rating if they had one. It's all dirty underhanded ploys just like NPS was pulling to increase the bottom line $$$$$$$$.

Your searching for answers to get around their game, I was too. Been there done that read the book. The only thing you can do is if you have access to one of the older SD receivers that have a RID and is not a lease (a few got out before leasing began) is totally free and clear and you can prove ownership. You can activate it for a $20.00 new card fee and get no contract. But you also have to pay the full monthly rate and have a credit rating for covering your monthly billing. And its a SOB to get done if your lucky enough to have one of those boxes.
Did Dish network cancel the prepay program? That was the only way around a contract I think with dish.

"The DishNOW/DishYA Pre-Paid program has ended. Existing customers please call 1-888-347-4132 to continue DISH Network service."

I don't know about that program, but I do know that you can pay in advance on your account... which terminates the need for a credit card. If you send Chuck a check... he'll cash it, lol. That's what my parents do. Of course, this isn't really prepaying for a particular package, rather just putting credit on your account to be consumed by activity on your account.

But that program definitely isn't the only way around a contract. Personally, I do the automatic billing to my CC, plus I own all of my equipment. But even without auto-pay with a CC, you can pay through the mail with a check. You just have to wait to get started. At least, that was offered to me back in late October. But I opted for the auto-pay as a matter of ease.

I have my opinion of Chuck too, hence the reluctance to have a contract with him. But if you know the tricks & manage it right, you can come out OK. Plus, if you quit, you can sell your equipment on Fleabay & recover some of your setup costs. You can't do that with leased equipment, lol.

Your searching for answers to get around their game, I was too. Been there done that read the book. The only thing you can do is if you have access to one of the older SD receivers that have a RID and is not a lease (a few got out before leasing began) is totally free and clear and you can prove ownership. You can activate it for a $20.00 new card fee and get no contract. But you also have to pay the full monthly rate and have a credit rating for covering your monthly billing. And its a SOB to get done if your lucky enough to have one of those boxes.

The local Goodwill has a two Sony SD receivers, two RCA SD receivers, and a Hughes SD receiver. Will any of them work?


concentrate on good news you see with your own eyes...go make some good news by fixing a drippy faucet for your elderly neigbor and she gives you a homemade dinner for doing it or if you see somebody broke down them change their tire....thats what good news is!

VERY well put! That pretty much encompasses some of what us satellite hobbyists are about on this site. Most everyone here has helped someone else with an issue or a question, or a "work-around." I own and operate a radio station, and get the "top" stories every hour. We've had all 3 of the major networks, as they bounce from "barter/free" to "We're good and you need to PAY to carry us." I've never believed in paying to carry a network! When they change terms we go to one that doesn't charge, and the previous one loses out!

Quite honestly, listeners just want to know the major headlines...and none care what network I carry overall. Your point is well made. If the world has huge issues, It's there "on the air" no matter what network. If not, I like your idea and your attitude as quoted. Refreshing!

And with that, back to our regularly scheduled thread.... where we wait, and politely ask for more channels from our we can remain independent of the big corporations........
The local Goodwill has a two Sony SD receivers, two RCA SD receivers, and a Hughes SD receiver. Will any of them work?

I have an old Hughes and a Memorex totally clear owned by me. But they won't authorize them no RID (receiver ID #). They will show channel 100 if I put a P4 card in them. I also have 4 D10's with a RID that were leased and tossed since the people stiffed Direct. My friend found them in the trash and asked me if I wanted them I said sure.

I called Direct on them all, the ones without a RID they won't auth even though they will work. The D10's each have a $400 balance on them that they said I could use if I pay the deadbeats past charges 4 big ones.

What I'm getting at here is if you find them at a thrift store they are probably too old (may be an old hack unit and burned up too) or if the have a RID they were probably leased and you will owe the deadbeats balance of $$$$ if they even allow you to use it. Copy the RID#'s and call Direct with them and see what they say. I have a pretty good feeling on what they won't let you do but you can try. Good Luck.
I have an old Hughes and a Memorex totally clear owned by me. But they won't authorize them no RID (receiver ID #). They will show channel 100 if I put a P4 card in them. I also have 4 D10's with a RID that were leased and tossed since the people stiffed Direct. My friend found them in the trash and asked me if I wanted them I said sure.

I called Direct on them all, the ones without a RID they won't auth even though they will work. The D10's each have a $400 balance on them that they said I could use if I pay the deadbeats past charges 4 big ones.

What I'm getting at here is if you find them at a thrift store they are probably too old (may be an old hack unit and burned up too) or if the have a RID they were probably leased and you will owe the deadbeats balance of $$$$ if they even allow you to use it. Copy the RID#'s and call Direct with them and see what they say. I have a pretty good feeling on what they won't let you do but you can try. Good Luck.

I wish the EPA would fine them for causing so many perfectly functioning receivers to go to landfills because they won't activate them because of a balance owed. I think balances should be associated with the card only and not the receiver.
I wish the EPA would fine them for causing so many perfectly functioning receivers to go to landfills because they won't activate them because of a balance owed. I think balances should be associated with the card only and not the receiver.

I know where your coming from and feel your pain. I tried every which way to get Direct to do something fair for me. I researched this from February till June this year and hated when I finally signed on the doted line. It was a blast at first seeing channels I never saw or not in years but the thrill wore off now and the reality has set in. I still enjoy being able to fire it up whenever but in another 6 months I'll be paying about what I am now and maybe have 1 or 2 channels to choose from. I will have to continue that shell $$.$$ out monthly for the next 12 months just to keep my credit rating . And also buy bud channels to watch what I want. I'll be totally honest with you the best thing to do is wait a bit and give SRL & Skyvision a chance with the Discoverys and others. I know what will be tried and I think it will work. Don't be foolish like me and jump the gun to pizza. If I would have waited a month more I would have never got Direct since thats when the W5/410 testing began in the summer .
This just posted on SRL's site, other news posted over at satforums:
Programming Center | 4DTV Programming

Due to the many changes affecting the C-Band system, we will no longer be able to offer some channels. These channels will be deauthorized at 10:00pm CST on December 29th, 2010 and will not be available in the future.

We apologize for the inconvenience and will continue to offer you with the C-Band services that are still available on satellite W5.

The following services that are not available on W5 will be deauthorized on December 29th: Food Network, DIY, Discovery East, Travel Channel, TLC, Mav TV, NFL Network, SRL East Coast Networks, Denver Networks, HBO/Cinemax and Wealth TV.

Discovery channels not on W5 will also be deauthorized December 29th.This was a decision made by HBO and Discovery. The signal will still be available on satellite W5 but they are denying access to big dish users.
I need a basic HD line up that includes TBS, USA, Spike, and all Discoveries for under $48/mo with no contract.
The "no contract" part completely dismisses DIRECTV. I'm not sure if DISH Network still has their prepaid plan or not. In any event, you'll probably not find Military, Planet Green nor The Science Channel in any MSO's $50 package.
Just looked here: These are the Channels that will be available as of Jan 4th 2010 and notice that BBC America is now gone as well :(

Investigation Discovery and BBC America are our main reasons for subbing to HITS thru PrgCntr.

I'm hopeful for the future, but this is feeling tight already!

updated 12/29/2010 - 4:30PM

These are the Channels that will be available as of Jan 4th 2011

Looks like the Discovery Suite along with BBCA are there now!

Only problem I see is you currently have to get the SuperPak to get them all.
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The "no contract" part completely dismisses DIRECTV. I'm not sure if DISH Network still has their prepaid plan or not. In any event, you'll probably not find Military, Planet Green nor The Science Channel in any MSO's $50 package.

I'm not on the prepaid plan, and I have no contract. But then again, I am paying via autopay with a CC.

You're 100% right about the Military & Science channels. For some reason, they only seem to be available in the top packages. I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with them trying to force us up to higher priced packages... just to get what are pretty "basic" channels (sarcasm intended).

Sure hope the Discovery stuff works out down the line somewhere for W5/X4.

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