Anyone else feel kind of sorry for Theon?
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Not really. I mean he did burn two kids to death.
Anyone else feel kind of sorry for Theon?
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Game of Thrones Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing" will air Feb. 9 at 8:45 p.m. ET/PT on HBO
I HAVE to do same. I binge watched first two seasons. About a year later I started S3, but I had forgotten so many of the sub stories and characters that I was lost and bored.I am going to restart the series from the beginning, I love this show.
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I HAVE to do same. I binge watched first two seasons. About a year later I started S3, but I had forgotten so many of the sub stories and characters that I was lost and bored.
Won't be long ...
Wednesday on the "Late Show," "Game of Thrones" star Peter Dinklage admitted the surprising fact to David Letterman that he hasn't read the books that the series is based on. Well he started to read them, but he just didn't have the time or the mental willpower to keep going
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