HD DVD players lead in HD sales. What's New
By Henning Molbaek
FIRST ONLINE Oct 10, 2007
New numbers from NPD puts HD DVD stand-alone players in front when it comes to sales.
Year to date figures says that HD DVD has 53% of all sales with Blu-ray doing 44%. The last 3 % accounts for Combo HD DVD and Blu-ray players.
Jodi Sally, Toshiba VP of marketing of digital A/V products told VideoBusiness.com that Blu-ray had weekly victories in the run-up to home theater installer conference CEDIA but said that HD DVD claimed the top spot again short after.
Not included in these figures are Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 add-on sales. The PS3 have sold about 2 million units in the US since launch. Toshiba believes that HD DVD drives for computers will out-weigh the PS3 advantage next year. Here they hope to sell more than five million drives. Surveys has revealed that only 20% of PS3 owners use their game console for movie playback. Toshiba believes the percentage for PC drives to be higher.
I eagerly await JoePS3's response.
By Henning Molbaek
FIRST ONLINE Oct 10, 2007
New numbers from NPD puts HD DVD stand-alone players in front when it comes to sales.
Year to date figures says that HD DVD has 53% of all sales with Blu-ray doing 44%. The last 3 % accounts for Combo HD DVD and Blu-ray players.
Jodi Sally, Toshiba VP of marketing of digital A/V products told VideoBusiness.com that Blu-ray had weekly victories in the run-up to home theater installer conference CEDIA but said that HD DVD claimed the top spot again short after.
Not included in these figures are Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 add-on sales. The PS3 have sold about 2 million units in the US since launch. Toshiba believes that HD DVD drives for computers will out-weigh the PS3 advantage next year. Here they hope to sell more than five million drives. Surveys has revealed that only 20% of PS3 owners use their game console for movie playback. Toshiba believes the percentage for PC drives to be higher.
I eagerly await JoePS3's response.