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HD locals added on 4/19/06 | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

HD locals added on 4/19/06

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Locals in Kansas City> Not working?

Channel 4 FOX-Not working
Channel 5 CBS-Not Working
Channell 9 ABC-Working
Channel 41 NBC-Working

*Does anyone know why Fox and CBS are dead?
Columbus OH Fox

Just noticed while watching bones at 8pm that there was a lil tag line saying" HDTV sponsored by DirecTV" just found it amusing.
RIRWIN - So they have three out of the four channels up? From what I am reading, WBNS is not up yet. This is basically the only channel I really want because of the Browns in HD !!
jabroni said:
RIRWIN - So they have three out of the four channels up? From what I am reading, WBNS is not up yet. This is basically the only channel I really want because of the Browns in HD !!

thats right, its a bummer for me too because they sometimes carry buckeyes games either football or basketball. im either gonna call or visit the station to find out what the hold up is. i dont know if its so much as a contract issue as it may be a uplink/fiber feed issue. knowing where wbns is located and how their ONN division is cramed into mobile trailers i can see how they are having issues providing directv a feed. will find out in the morin. i do have to say the quality is exactly if not slightly better that the ota i was getting, and that was as if i was live on stage or wherever it was being shot at.
Syracuse NY HD

does anyone have any idea when Syracuse NY HD is scheduled to live. I haven't been able to find anything listing it. Maybe not until next year. Thanks
Jackm said:
does anyone have any idea when Syracuse NY HD is scheduled to live. I haven't been able to find anything listing it. Maybe not until next year. Thanks
According to the following website, Syracuse is DMA #76. The latest round of 24 cities were mostly in the 20's and 30's. If D* continues adding 24 cities at a time, Syracuse will probably be in the second round of updates after the current group is complete. :)
RIRWIN - Thanks for the response. I am so relieved to hear you say that the locals look just as good on Direct as OTA. Now I can relax. Tomorrow is my installation day so I am looking forward to it.
Add up the % of US column of the 2005 DMA ranking list. DirecTV is only planning to have 76% served by the end of this year. Although they are not going down the list in EXACT DMA rank order, they are following it fairly closely. See if your DMA #76 is inside that 76% plan, as I would not expect them to get past that mark by 12/31/06.
I thought this was supposed to eliminate an antenna? How does a half ass job of only carrying 4 (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) out of 7 HD OTA networks do that?
vurbano said:
I thought this was supposed to eliminate an antenna? How does a half ass job of only carrying 4 (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) out of 7 HD OTA networks do that?

That's my question. It looks like when Tallahassee goes online we won't get all four. Fox can't get it's act together.
vurbano said:
I thought this was supposed to eliminate an antenna? How does a half ass job of only carrying 4 (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) out of 7 HD OTA networks do that?

Not all cities even have PBS HD, and many of those that do run so many subchannels that it makes DirecTV's HD-Lite look like HD perfection in comparison. WB and UPN are ending their existence after this television season, so it doesn't make sense for DirecTV (or Dish Network) to carry them.
scotsmanron said:
That's my question. It looks like when Tallahassee goes online we won't get all four. Fox can't get it's act together.

However, WTLH-HD will be full-power HD this Summer, long before DirecTV gets around to carrying them.

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