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HEARTS Program

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I don't know...but...I think that my 5 heart rating qualifies me to be the "Official Heart Docker" So for now on if I see something that's just plain wrong I am gonna be taking hearts away. Frankly I think the Heart thingy is stupid too. I have been late on payments before...sometimes going over a month in before paying attention to it, but I am at $ 0 now and frankly my monthly bill with all the freakin SportsPacks is ridiculous, must be why I rate so high. Shoot, if you spent the money I have with them you would have to have 5 hearts from my first receiver way back which I think was....$700 arrrgh!!
CSRs can't change the number of hearts you have at all. It's definitely bad credit, payment history, etc.

But if you call retention all the time begging for credits and threatening to leave the service, it will definitely affect you over time.

D* has some very ridiculously over complex business rules which govern the hearts. I can't even begin to describe the overall complexity.
I called today..The CSR laughed and said: "sounds like you have been reading the forums" ...3 hearts
Harrelson 69 said:
There is really no reason for you to react this way! I was just curious considering everyone else was inquiring. There is no harm in asking! Next time if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all!

What did I say that wasn't nice? I was just looking for someone to explain why they need to know. I believe there is harm in asking. It's that many more calls DirecTV has to answer and that much longer someone else has to wait in the phone queue to get a real problem addressed. I hear everyone complaining about this and that and then I hear people who call over and over until they find a CSR that will get them a little better deal on something. And now people are calling just to find out how many hearts they have. Well all those calls cost DirecTV money. Which costs the customers money. Plus I don't see what you're getting out of knowing how many hearts you have.

BTW, I didn't see anything nice in your last message. So why didn't you just say nothing at all? :D

FlyingJ said:
I hope that the $100 a month in PPV includes Sports subscriptions...heck even if..that is a whole lot of should get 6 hearts!

Oh wait...must be a lot of...ummm , errrr porn :eek:

I buy alot of sports PPV's each month like the wrestling PPV's their $34.95 ea and theirs a couple a month and then boxing or UFC too...
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Hi I called them the other night after reading the report on what they were doing in the next few quarters and the rep told me I was an anniversary customer with 5 hearts I have been with them for 13 months and have the most expensive hd channel pack with locals from day 1 and also have had the pb channel for about 4 months with 1 hd tivo, 1 hd receiver, 1 sd tivo, and 2 sd boxes and as far as credit being a factor I doubt it because my credit is around 680 which is'nt the greatest and I have been late on a couple directv bills before but never more than 1 month behind I think they base it more on household income like over 75k and you get 5 hearts no matter what, the rep I spoke with stated hearts mean how far they will bend over to keep you from leaving them:eek:
stellar832000 said:
oops...sounds like someone just found out they don't have very many hearts....

Nope. I haven't called them. Why should I care? I don't want anything from them other than that which I pay for.....
azboy722 said:
I think they base it more on household income like over 75k and you get 5 hearts no matter what, the rep I spoke with stated hearts mean how far they will bend over to keep you from leaving them:eek:

How would they know how much you make? I sure as hell wouldn't give D* this info.
chadzx11 said:
How would they know how much you make? I sure as hell wouldn't give D* this info.
Your SS number, THE FIRST time you get DIRECTV does a credit check on you with that come a LOT of info about you including how much you make.
funny thing is how much you make doesn't mean you are/aren't a risk. I'm sure people making 100K have filed bankruptcy as well as those making 10K :) Probably more.
lee78221 said:
Your SS number, THE FIRST time you get DIRECTV does a credit check on you with that come a LOT of info about you including how much you make.

Really? How do the credit people know that? Its in my wife's name, she is a librarian, and I am pretty sure the county doesn't report income to the credit vultures. This being the case, we are probably low man on the totem pole...she barely rakes in a grand a month. In D* eyes, the only people lower than us would be those welfare apartment residents. How do they afford D* anyway? If they can afford cable, IMO, they can afford to pay their own rent!
They are not checking on how much you make...that was a truly bogus statement. I have 5 hearts. My father who has five hearts makes nada. I barely report an income because I have my own business and well lets just say I use my imagination. And oh....newsposter is correct. I went in debt and bankrupt 7 figures about 8 years ago. I think it is totally on how much you spend yearly, and that is about it. I have one HD tivo, a SD tivo and two SD recievers. Total Choice Plus, but I do buy the Hoops, NFL, and Baseball Packages. 0 pay per view. Plus as I stated before, I always seem to owe D* money, sometimes 2 months back, I just happen to be even with them now.
Yes your credit statement does NOT list your income!! And E* also asks for this info and they are harder to get approved. E* wanted a deposit from me while D* said I had fine credit. In fact I bought a car this week and was approved at 8% APR. And my becon score is 675. So E* is just being a pain in the a$$, So glad I went with D* anyway.
lee you know they know everything about us:) oh wait, was that the govt?

my guess is voluntary statistics and analysis thereof
Called retention 2 weeks ago about upgrading 2 older hd boxes to h20 asked how many hearts i had and was told 5 WOOHOO now what does this all mean ? i proceed to ask if she has a heart and she says of course (being nice not sarcastic) then proceeds to upgrade my 2 boxes to h20's w/ at9 no install fees nothing, have checked my bill to be sure and so far so good
So maybe 5 stars did me some good or maybe it was just being nice, although it might have something to do with the fact that i have 2 tivo (i hdtivo)and now 5 hd boxes although2 will be sold
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lee78221 said:
Your SS number, THE FIRST time you get DIRECTV does a credit check on you with that come a LOT of info about you including how much you make.
when i signed up with directv they never took my social (1997) as for wanting to know how many hearts i had well i wanted to use it a a way
to see what i could get for being one of the best customers, well itworked so im happy
stevesmall said:
when i signed up with directv they never took my social (1997)
try doing that to day.:rolleyes:
If you do not give DIRECTV your SS number you have to fork over $100(for first time Subs).
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