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Heavy pixelation problems only on HI-DEF channels | SatelliteGuys.US

Heavy pixelation problems only on HI-DEF channels

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 3, 2006
fort lauderdale
I had Directv send a tech out today to fix a pixelation problem with my HI-DEF channels. The HI-DEF channels (70-80) break up with heavy pixelation during the day, rarely at night. The Directv Tech from Directv ( not Mastec ) Said it sounds like I need a new LNB's ? The tech that showed up said it was because of a neighbors tree ??? If the tree was the problem wouldn't I have break-up's all the time ? It seems I only get breakups during the day and early evening hours - not a night. I have a HR10-250. I don't have pixelation problems on the other channels. Any ideas ? I don't want to believe its the tree.:confused:
One more note to add -
Im watching HI-DEF today and have no pixelation problems today - It's very cloudy/overcast today. I thought I read somewhere when the sun heats up a bad LNB this will cause pixelation problems ? I'm now almost 100% certin this isnt my neighbors tree causing this ? Any suggestions ? I want to know my facts when I call Directv.
johnml said:
One more note to add -
Im watching HI-DEF today and have no pixelation problems today - It's very cloudy/overcast today. I thought I read somewhere when the sun heats up a bad LNB this will cause pixelation problems ? I'm now almost 100% certin this isnt my neighbors tree causing this ? Any suggestions ? I want to know my facts when I call Directv.

Yes, some LNBs can be sensitive to heat and most certainly would result in signal breakup, this may suggest a defective LNB, replacement _may_ solve the issue.
Its weird now - I get the HI-def Channels about 12 hours a day. I just noticed I loose it at night sometimes but mostly during the day ? Dont know if this is bad LNB's ? I thought they might get hot in the sun, but I still loose the signal at night ? If it was my neighbors tree, wouldnt I just not get the signal at all ? What little HI-DEF I get from Directv I want to keep.:( :confused: Thanks far any advise..
johnml said:
Its weird now - I get the HI-def Channels about 12 hours a day. I just noticed I loose it at night sometimes but mostly during the day ? Dont know if this is bad LNB's ? I thought they might get hot in the sun, but I still loose the signal at night ? If it was my neighbors tree, wouldnt I just not get the signal at all ? What little HI-DEF I get from Directv I want to keep.:( :confused: Thanks far any advise..

IF the leaves of your neighbors tree are blowing in the wind, it would not necessarily cut the signal off completely, it could just lower it.

You now state you now see it at night as well, I suspect (as in conjecture) that perhaps, during the day, the heat makes the signal a _little_ weaker (even good LNBs can do this) making your signal more prone to signal cutouts, now, add to that the wind blowing the leaves/branches on your neighbors tree, along with the heat, might introduce enough signal loss to result in a cut out, while at _night_, there is no sun to make the LNBs loose signal from heat, BUT, the leaves/branches may still blow in the way enough to cause it to cutout completely, just not as often as during the day (with heat).

Also, the fact you now notice it at night suggests the tree is growing, and if I am right, it will continually get worse at night (as the tree grows).

Again, this is pure conjecture on my part, YMMV.
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Its the tree. The weather calms at night and reduces the interference from branches. DTV uses a couple of satellites not naming that are lower on the horizon. Its gotta be moved higher or farther away from the tree/s. Hope its yours to trim.
Check your signal on the 110 satellite. That's the satellite that your HD programming is coming from.
We had this issue too. It was because when the wind blew from a certain direction, it bent the tree just enough to interfere with the signal. My guess is at night, the wind dies down and the tree no longer interferes. We ended up pole-mounting the dish to get a better line of sight.
Directv came out Friday to "fix" the pixelation problem. The tech said I had a bent cable ( crimped ) and he changed a couple of outputs ??? I'm guessing on my multi-switch ??? (Per Directv, They were going to request a senior tech.) The problem initially went away but returned later ??? A couple times when I had heavy pixelation, Directv would have me reset the receiver and it seemed to work. Now D* is sending me a new HR10-250 to swap out To see if that solves the problem. I always check my signal and it's always 96% and up. whenever I call they have me check the signal level. Of all the tech's that came out (including two senior techs) only one said it was the tree ? and this is a tech who showed up in a unmarked car with no tools - to me he looked like he didnt have a clue?:confused:
I had the same problem with my HD channels and DIRECTV sent me a new receiver, wanted to replace my coax, and recrimped the connectors. I noticed it was only the channels on the 110 satellite so I ordered a new LNB off of EBAY and replaced it myself.

This went on for 4 weeks. The LNB replacement fixed my problem and it has never happened again. My problem started surfacing during the beginning of summer when the weather heated up. I would suggest you replace the LNB. It is not the receiver.
I agree. When I initially called Directv, They had a senior technician tell me it was most likely the LNB but so far none of the techs have switched it ??? I'll let them send me a new receiver and if the problem continues, I'll ask for the LNB to be replaced. I'm in Ft Lauderdale and the install company is Mastec, Which I think the techs really dont like/understand the new dish's. At least that's the impression I get when they send out. Only two of the last 10 that came out (for same problem) seemed to know what they were doing ???:confused:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the techs from mastec dont have to much knowledge on the at9 dish. its new to them in florida. yes their are possible chance that the lnb went out. you could order it yourself from ebay or other satellite websites that sell equipments for the at9 dish. if the problems continue after replacing the lnb it could be an obstructure thats blocking a full strength signal for the hd programming . satellite 119 only carry 3 hd programming the other hd programs are carry through satellite 110 .
Had HI-DEF channels on all day and no pixelation ? This is screwed up. I get it one day and not the next ? If its a tree I would think I wouldnt get it all ? Also with the pixelation I get the channel banner that says channel not available, to call X.722 ???
I received my replacement HR10-250 and problem is gone. No more pixelation at all. Of all the techs that showed up to 'solve' the problem, but couldn't. Each of them with a different explanation. Oh Well, At least it's finally solved...:)
johnml said:
I received my replacement HR10-250 and problem is gone. No more pixelation at all. Of all the techs that showed up to 'solve' the problem, but couldn't. Each of them with a different explanation. Oh Well, At least it's finally solved...:)

Glad it worked out. :)
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