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Help! Service turned off because of lack of phone connection!

Derwin0 said:
Actually if they're all in 5 locations, then it's simple. Phone line splitters at the 5 locations. Only requires 5 phone line runs.
all my dish boxes are hooked up via phone splitters, direct apparently doesnt require phoneline
id never hook phoneline upto bell or starchoice as im a snowbird
stone phillips420 said:
Thankfully Direct doesn't require this.
I don't know what you mean by that! My uncle, a few years ago, had to connect all of his to a phone line and he only has 3! They cut the 2 additional receivers off until he could have me install 2 more phone jacks. I think he had the NFL PPV, that might have had something to do with it.
wobbie said:
beside if you want a pay per view on all the recivers you have to call or order online. The $5.00 phoe fee is for dual tuner recievers that are not connected to a phone line.
That's not true....Every event has an event code. You can order the PPV on all receivers on your account and you will only be charged once for the event. The PPV will show up on all receivers as a charge, but, when they call in, you will only be billed once.
Unfortuneately, the perfect customer who pays on time, all the time, has lots of pay services, never connects a phone line, but has more than 2 receivers....That is the same profile as an account stacker!!

I heard of many people doing that once they could no longer steal satellite. It is unfair to the customer with one receiver on an account when there are guys getting together and dividing one bill several ways.

I was going to buy a receiver from an online auction once, the seller said that he could authorize it for me, it was for a Canadian company, and I could just send him a check for the services I wanted. I asked him if I could just pay the company with my credit card, he said NO and then wrote that he was just going to put the receiver on another account he had already set up, so I did not have to pay the broker fee, just him for the services. I even asked him if there was going to be a probelm with *C getting the service off, he told me that he had seen as many as 8 receivers on one account.
He was trying to stack the accounts and take the money he wanted me to pay him and put it in his pocket. I told the guy "no thanks" and dealed with someone else.

If you look at the example of the reatailer who wanted to stack accounts for his personal profit...His accounts would always be paid on time, he would have several receivers, probably a high monthy bill and no phone line. He probably would maintain those accounts for years, as long as he had customers.

Maybe some other companies, like Star Choice, should do more phone line checks.

It seems to me that a simple solution could be having no additional outlet fees (programming fees for more than one receiver) for all receivers connected to a phone line and have a very large fee for those not connected, like $20. They could also drop those $4.99 fess for those who do not connect the dual-tuner receivers , like the 522,625,322, to a phone line; those customers are not going to saw the receiver in half and use it in 2 locations.
For those that switch to DirecTv, wouldnt they have the same issues to deal with such as no phone line connection causing an audit and having to get the location id or does DirecTv handle it differently?
A phone line is required to be hooked up to every receiver on your account as per the rules weather you have Dish or Directv and Directv is much more of a pain than dish. Also Dish you are only allowed to have 6 receivers on one account.
The reason for this is so they can verify that all your receivers are in your house they will allow for one not to be but when they check your account they will require the receiver ID from system info screen be read to them at that time (Note this number Changes).
You wouldn't believe how many people try and cheat the system I get ask this at least twice a month by perspective customers.
This is why you I will not due apartments or sell extra receivers to customers unless I install them.

All I can say is get used to it now that Illegal Smartcards are more under control this is next big theft problem and there dealing with it.

If you don't like it go back to Cable and split to as many TV's as you want.
dtv has never audited me in the 6+ years of service i have with them, i did once bring my dtivo to a buddys house to watch boxing well there we updated the tivo software, the next day i got a call from dtv signal integrity dept., i wasn't home and no message was left
but caller id logged the call it came up as dtv signal integrity
Only one of my 4 receivers (no DVRs) is and has ever been connected to a phone line. That's mostly so I can use the 811's caller ID feature without having to go to the phone to look. I've been with E* for 21 months now without an audit (knock wood).

Does anyone know if the phone line will work while hooked up to VOIP phone service? Specifically "Lingo"?
What if the phone line is not connected to a DirecTv receiver? What about those that may want to use them in RV's or campers that have DirecTv? I hear Dish Network is giving those RV/campers a hard time now if they dont give them location address or if they are not hooked up to a phone line.
WOW! This is amazing, and obviously this issue had been brewing over the weekend, for so much talk about it here today. I myself raced home from work to check the forums, to see if anyone out there dealt with the same thing I dealt with at a job today.... a 942 upgrade that took FOUR HOURS because of this 'receiver audit'.
This customer started getting phone calls from the day he ordered (paid full price) the 942. He's been a customer for years, bought Dish at a kiosk at a fair for his 5th wheel. He liked it so much he got a 2nd receiver for his home, and Dish set it all up for him- they came out and installed a 2nd dish at his house and added a second receiver. Later, he upgraded- 3 ea. DP receivers, one of them a DVR (I'm not naming receivers or giving specifics for a reason, sorry). Dish came out and installed them in his house, left the 3rd one for him to put in his 5th wheel when he brings it out of storage, and they said they deactivated his 2 legacy receivers. Keep in mind that during ALL of this, Dish knew EXACTLY where one of these receivers was. He said he had called tech support for help twice while on the road in the past, and they said nothing at that time. He pays his month on a per year basis, and recently found out that he's been paying the extra receiver fees for his 2 retired boxes for nearly a year and a half. Of course he found this out by taking the phone call from the receiver audit team, and of course they will do nothing to credit him.

So, I get there this morning and have to hear all of this. Told him let's get the install done and we'll deal with receiver issues when I call in to activate the 942. We meant to deactivate both boxes at his house, being replaced by the 942, and of course, his 3rd box will stay in his 5th wheel, currently stowed away in storage. This didn't happen, as cust. svc could not deactivate old boxes, or activate the new one, and gave me 'that special number'.

Believe these posts when they say that the people at the audit dept. are extremely ice cold in their attitude. The customer (before I called audit) told me he felt like a crook after talking to these people before, and I shrugged it off... but oh my... they are like the Dish FBI or something. They told me that in order to activate the new receiver, I have to help them audit all receivers that the customer wishes to be on the acct, and any that were not active after the call will never again be able to be activated on his current acct.

I asked him why I've been dispatched by dish so many times in the past to put up a 2nd dish for a customer's vacation home or RV and that it was OK then, and he said that I have never been asked to do that! WOW!

Bottom line- he's paid cash for all his receivers, and now he's out 3. Customer is placing an ad for the sale of his brand new 942, and will be cancelling Dish.

There has got to be a reason they are being so aggressive with this. Oh yeah, and I asked the guy, "So way back when, when an installer hooked up my dish and gave me a tripod so that I could take my dish camping with me, I cannot do anymore?"

His reply, and I swear I am not making this up: "What's your name?" I told him. "What's your account number?" Just like a detective interrogating a suspect! I told him to take a hike! I did have to give my tech id to him to continue helping the customer. And this is the other reason I was in a hurry to get home. I wanted to see if I had service! All my receivers are here, I'm not worried about that, but I don't have phone jacks readily available for all 4 receiver locations, and I'm not about to rewire my house because of this. I don't understand. They've been activating customers' dual tuners for a year and a half with no phone at the house, and it's OK as long as the customer gives them 5 bucks a month. But if they are getting tough on this policy, aren't they going to be contradicting themselves when those customers get 'The Call' from the Dish Police?
Same Situation

I switched to DISH for only 2 months and left because of a similar reason. I got shut off because one of my 3 recievers wasn't connected to a phone line. And I didn't answer their call. Because guess what, I work for a living and am not home all day to answer stupid calls. So I get home from the hospital after a 48 hour on call, and find a freaking box on my porch to return everything the same freaking day it was shut off. Well I called and reactivated everything and finally after having problems with my bill and getting audited a 2nd time I cancelled. Sent back everything and then got charged for a reciever that they recieved and had to call and complain for over an hour to get credited. So back to D* and happy. Except I can't get my channels from brasil.

Round 2.

So I bought a 311 (paid in full) and activated it for my brasil channels only. Well 3 times now I have had it shut off even though it is hooked to a phone line and freaking boxes sent to my house to send back the 311 because my account was "audited" and since I don't have AT60 or higher so I don't quailfy for my lease. I freaking own the reciever. Dish seriously needs to get their audit team under control.
Dear Hdinginthebushes

If your an installer then you should know all about account stacking an a Dual tuner receiver you can't account stack the 2nd tuner unless its your neighbor. Also Dish has no problem with you taking your extra receiver to the camper for the weekend but its not supposed to be left there.
Dishes biggest problem used to be smartcard pirateracy but with the new smartcards that seems to be under control now there focusing on the 2nd problem Account stacking.
well, I am now convinced.
No DishNet for me.
I have paid my $30 to Sams Club for my install and have Friday appointment but I'm going to try to get refund from Sams Club.
This sounds like a potential nightmare, and i don't need headaches like this.
Will just stick with Cox cable, even with it's limitations.

It's been interesting & informative reading these forums, and I'm sure glad I did: perhaps saved myself a lot of grief, by reading about these experiences.
That poor ol' customer with the 5th wheel who is now selling his brand new 942 and was overcharged for a year, that did it for me.

good luck to all of you.
Bigmutt Don't let these stories turn you off to Dish mine are hooked up to phone lines and no problem since March 2, 1999.

These are rare cases and you notice all these people have many receivers on there account all not hooked up to phone lines. Can we say RED FLAG.

I have 4 receivers 501, 4722, 301 and 2800 all but one hook to phone lines no problem.

Note I do not work for Dish I work for a retailer so I have to follow all the same rules as any other customer.
I don't care what some people say... but E* is going way too far with this sh*t.

I'm really starting to worry... I will add a 4th receiver to my account in the next couple of weeks. I know that this will certainly raise a flag and I'll get 'the call'... why? right now, I don't have a phone line in my new place (don't need one when everybody has cellphones with free in-network service and free incoming *Sprint/Nextel*).

I've been paying an average of $120-150 a month for the past 4 years to E*, plus the extra $$$ they get from me for their Season Ticket packages (always sign for the MLB, NBA, ESPN Gameplan packages), and I always pay on time (never been late with a payment), but if they decide to shut off ANY of my receivers, I'll have to cancel my service (regretfully, because I really like it) and give my money to D* or TWC.

The people at E* need to learn that they can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Instead of 'Audit Team', they should call it the 'E* Gestapo Team'. Their tactics are just pissing off/will piss off a big number of PAYING, NON-CHEATING customers.
rowemance said:
These are rare cases and you notice all these people have many receivers on there account all not hooked up to phone lines. Can we say RED FLAG.

I see... so, just because I don't want to throw away $40 a month for a phone line I WILL NOT USE AT ALL, I'm just automatically a crook and E* should flag my account, even though I've paid them lots of $$$ during the past 4 years?
That is why both Dish and Direct need to go with a whole house server of say 6 - 8 sat tuners and up to 2 ota tuners. It would be of course capable of doing both hd and sd. Then you could use 1 receiver for the entire house and send the extra cables to the other rooms or use smaller receiving units you could place in the other rooms in the house that would receive the picture wirelessly. ONe unit plugged into a phone line or you pay the access fee . Now would be the time to do this before they go mpeg4. Then all customers could be upgraded to whole house servers you could eliminate the additional receiver fees and have an advantage over cable. I think that Directv is headed that way anyway with their new whole house media servers . Dish should follow and then we could have NO MORE AUDIT TEAM.
MikeD-C05 said:
That is why both Dish and Direct need to go with a whole house server of say 6 - 8 sat tuners and up to 2 ota tuners. It would be of course capable of doing both hd and sd. Then you could use 1 receiver for the entire house and send the extra cables to the other rooms or use smaller receiving units you could place in the other rooms in the house that would receive the picture wirelessly. ONe unit plugged into a phone line or you pay the access fee . Now would be the time to do this before they go mpeg4. Then all customers could be upgraded to whole house servers you could eliminate the additional receiver fees and have an advantage over cable. I think that Directv is headed that way anyway with their new whole house media servers . Dish should follow and then we could have NO MORE AUDIT TEAM.

Yeah, that's a great concept... but the people running E* is always lacking in the 'great ideas' department when compared to others.

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