Correction on the CC problem. It still doesn't start reliably watching recordings. Another annoying thing I see on both Hoppers is that unwatched shows sometimes show Resume as an option.
Got S425. Haven't noticed any appreciable speed up yet. Withholding judgement for now.
With my 2 hoppers updated to 425 thinks seem better. Now the big but, with both of them several preselected programs that were recorded showed only 1 minute of recording time as shown on info, but actually had another channels full program on it instead of the one wanted. In other words if channel 5 was preselected it might have recorded channel 195. These hoppers seem to be job security for some people.
Which channel and show was the timer set for nd which did it end up recording?
Are people still seeing the "100% watched" bug when the episode hasn't been watched ? I don't consider it a big deal - simply remember to pick "Start over" vs "Resume".
Didn't see either issue described with S424 or S425.
As I recall, DIRT acknowledged this bugDidn't see either issue described with S424 or S425.
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